I was lost. Then I was found.

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Writers POV.....Two days later....

In the last two days, The Hilltop and The Kingdom have done their trade with Richmond. Kingdom had given them some of their handcrafted blades and armor in exchange for some sheep and chicken, along with three crates full of ammo. As for Hilltop, they give them clothes for the winter and movie disks in exchange for ammo and medicine. Recently, Richmond announced that the plan to bring back power to the city had worked. While on their mission to expand their territory throughout the city, they find out that the dam could still work. And after three years, they've finally got it powered up. From that point forward, all the leaders of the major settlements agree that Richmond is the most reliable ally.

Today is Alexandria's trade with Richmond and they will trade rations, meds and a van in exchange for building materials, a box of homemade pipe bombs and plenty of wood to use for repairs or even build a few new houses. With Y/N hearing this news, Y/N takes Rick over to the derelict house he wants to tear down and rebuild it for him and his family. Where they may finally find peace.

"What do you think? Can we bring this shit down and rebuild it with those materials?" Y/N asks as Rick looks over the house and at the stone foundation.

"I'm no carpenter but the foundation looks fine. We won't need to break this all down." Rick says. Y/N nods and heads to the door. He reaches for the door nob and opening it halfway, the door hinges break and falls flat on the floor with dust blowing up from it. They both looked inside the structure and it looks worse on the inside than outside. It's completely empty, the ceiling is about to give and the floors rotted out and holes all over. One step on a certain spot could cause the person to fall right through. Rick and Y/N looked at each other and knew they couldn't step inside.

"How long has this been here?" Y/N asked.

"Since Douglas was in charge, I think. We never bothered with fixing it. There's plenty of other houses we use for housing and storing supplies." Rick says.

"What are we gonna use the rest of the building supplies on?" Y/N asked.

"Well we were looking at the solar panels a week ago and they're about to run their course. Some houses are struggling to keep power going and we'll have to resort to generators soon. The plan is to make a windmill right over there at the center of town." Rick says as he points over at the middle of Alexandria.

"How are we gonna get a windmill built up?" Y/N asked.

"Javier messaged us on the radio that along with the building materials, he'll throw in a book on architecture. On how to build structures like windmills, houses and the works. A couple of our own here in Alexandria was a carpenter and a architect. They asked if we could get him that book." Rick says.

"I'll be sure we get that too then." Y/N says while nodding.

"Thanks. Now, why don't you go ahead and meet up with Daryl? He's getting the van all ready to head out to Richmond. Good luck." Rick says as he patted Y/N on the back and they both parted ways.

During that chat between Y/N and Rick, Clementine had been killing time, waiting for Daryl to get the van ready. She and A.J are at Louis's place as he and his girlfriend, Adaku, had been practicing on their preferred instruments in a duet. Adaku's violin talents show as she plays these pleasant sounding notes that are in rhythm with Louis's piano notes. Clem and A.J applauded their talents with claps as Louis bows in appreciation. They all hung out for a little bit longer before they hear the door knock and Daryl calling for Clem to get ready to head out. A.J immediately asked if he could go with but Clem says no. To stay at Alexandria and Louis offers to watch him. Telling A.J that he could learn some piano skills. After a little more convincing, A.J reluctantly agreed to stay. With that, Clem and A.J say bye to each other and part ways and leaves him with Louis and Adaku.

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