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Clem's POV.

Me, Y/N and A.J go to the front gate to help out with killing some walkers. When we approached the gate, we see people at the gate with their weapons out. One of them being Rick with a hatchet. That kid, Marlon, has a compact bow.

"Rosie! Here girl! Where the hell is she?" Marlon says.

"She'll come around, Marlon. Gotta keep your mind on the walkers out there." Rick Says before he turns to us. "Got your weapons?" He asks as we take out our blades. "Good. We've got a problem. Our scavenger party is trapped between a small herd of walkers."

"I wonder what would've caused that? An explosion or maybe a car crash?" Says the blonde girl I saw when we were walking on the street.

"Vi..." Marlon says.

"What? I'm just saying." Vi says.

"Well, What are you saying?" Y/N says.

"Just speculating is all." She responds.

"Hi Y/N. I'm Violet, Nice to meet you." Louis Says, trying to diffuse potential fight from breaking out.

"What He said." Violet says coldly.

"All right boys and girls! The walkers are coming!" Says that weird kid I met on the street. We looked outside the gate and saw the walkers coming up to the community. Violet and that guy with a crossbow move the gate open and we're the first to go out.

"Alright, here's the plan. We have some traps in the woods out there. We're gonna lead the walkers into the woods and take care of them there. Watch you step." Rick Says as he goes through the gate.

"Hey, don't worry about Violet. She'll grow on you." Louis Says as he rests a chair leg on his shoulder. "Oh and this is my weapon. It's a chair leg. I call him, Chairles." He says as he holds it up in a displaying fashion. I raised an eyebrow at his bad joke before he leaves with the others. Me and Y/N both looked at each other and we both shrugged. We then turn to A.J.

"We need you to be our eyes on the back of our heads. Okay A.J?" Y/N asked.

"I know. Just don't get bit." He says.

"That's what we should tell you." I say to him. We ran out to help the others outside as we see them, luring the walkers to the woods. Me and Y/N walked into the woods with A.J behind us as we saw the others killing walkers ahead of us.

"Clem, Y/N! Walkers on your left!" A.J Says to us. We look to our left and see walkers slowly approaching us.

"You take right, I'll take left." Y/N says. I nod in response and we split up and boxed in the walkers. After when we took care of them, Louis called out our names.

"You guys are doing awesome right now! Especially you, Clem! But check this out!" He says as he turns to a walker in front of him. "Hey! Ugly! Your mom was mummy!" He shouts getting the walkers attention. It stumbled towards him and Louis cut a rope with his knife. When he cut it, a huge rock falls on top of the walker! Me and Y/N look at this sight surprised.

"There's plenty more of these traps! The trees with red marks are rigged up! And watch where your stepping, of course!" He says, hitting a walker with Chairles. I looked around for another trap and I found one with a log, looking like it swings. This one looks awesome. These people really have this place secure from the outside. I go over to the trap and whistled for a walker to come in my direction. When it got in the logs path, I cut the rope and the log went swinging, right into the walker, sending it flying across the woods! I was awe struck at how far it sent the walker before Y/N called me.

TWDG: THE FINAL SEASON. (Clem x Male reader.) Where stories live. Discover now