Abel vs Clementine.

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Clem's POV.


Me, A.J, Ellie, Aasim, Violet, Willy and Tenn went into the admin building and barricade the door the best we could before we see the door trying to get open from the outside.

"This won't hold for long! Everyone run and hide!" I order them. A.J, Willy and Aasim follows me upstairs to the brick trap. While Violet, Ellie and Tenn go to hide in the piano room. Soon, the doors open and five raiders, including Abel, come in with their guns. I waited for one of them to go under the trap and one of them does so I cut the counterweight holding the bag of brick and it lands right onto the raider.

"No!!" One of the raiders screams. We moved up the steps to get away from them as I see Abel staring at me.

"Kill That one! The girl!" Abel says as the raider starts to shoot at us. "You two, go down that hallway and look for those other kids we saw!" I took cover behind a couch at the top of the steps and waited for that raider at the bottom of the steps. I pushed the couch down the steps and right into her. Abel then runs next to her with a lit Molotov.

"Fucking pointless! I told Lily you wouldn't cooperate!" Abel yells as he throws the bottle at the top of the stairs. The fire spread in between me and A.J, across from Aasim and Willy. They ran to hide in the other room and me and A.J go and hide in the main office as we cough from the smoke.

"A.J, the door! Lock it!" I screamed. Before A.J could close and lock the door, Abel kicked the door open and sent A.J to the floor.

"Your friend Lily isn't around this time. So we'll have a nice little chat. You and me. Alone." Abel says as he closed the door behind him. I took out my knife and as he was about to hit me, I slashed his one hand and he goes to the floor. "Ah! Fuckin' Bitch!!"

"Clem..I can't get up!" A.J Says as he try's to get up.

"Stay back!" I Said before Abel kicks me in the leg and I fall and drop my knife. I tried to pick it back up but he kicks it away. I stand up and he punches me to the desk next to us and he pins me down by twisting my arm behind my back.

"You know, whenever I see somebody like you. Small. Weak. Afraid and still alive. Well, bet a lot of people died to get you here." Abel Says. I then see a miniature lighthouse on the desk and stabbed him in the face. He let go of me and stumbled back to A.J, who uses a fire poker to stab him in the foot and hit him in the face with it.

"Dibs." A.J Says. This gave me the opportunity to tackle him out to the balcony and pushed him up against the railing. He grabs my face and we wrestled for a bit before I got out of his grip and knees him in the balls. He then try's to punch me but I blocked it and hit him on the chest. Which sends him falling back down the balcony but he grabs my arm and we both fell to the ground below!


"AHH, FUCK!!!" Was all I could hear as I started to regain my consciousness as I realized I was on top of Abel. Must've broken my fall. "GODDAMN IT!!!" He screams as I look and see his leg broken. I see my knife and was about to pick it up and finish off Abel until a gun gets pointed at my head. It's Lily as I see her whimper. She must hate doing this.

"Shit! This should be easy, damn it!" Lily Says emotionally.

"I'll see you in hell!" I Said.

"You'll be there for a while cause it'll be a long time before I'm dead." Lily Says.

"I don't mind waiting." I Said. She then points the gun right on my forehead as I waited for death. Suddenly, Lily gets tackled by Marlon and fires her shot in the air as it falls next to me. I see the two of them fight as I went for her gun before Abel grabs my leg. I then kicked him twice on the nose and he lets go. He try's to grab me again before Rosie comes and bites Abel on his arm, threshing it around. I look at the battle unfolding in the court yard. Y/N's getting dragged by his sister to the cart and Marlon and Lily keep fighting towards the carts. Soon enough, walkers start coming into the yard as the raiders shoot at them. I picked up Lily's gun that she dropped and had to choose who I had to save first. I quickly made the decision to save Y/N first by shooting at Jackie's feet. Jackie dodge the bullets as Y/N got the chance to run towards me, Ellie and A.J, who just came out of the admin building. However, I wasn't quick enough to save Marlon, who gets knocked out by Lily and into the cart with Omar and Aasim.

"Fall back! We got what we came for! Pull in and fall back!" Lily commands her soldiers as one of them hits on the horse pulling the cart out of court yard and into the woods.

"Clementine! Cut these bindings off me!" Y/N says as he turns around. I take out my knife and cut off the rope around his wrists. I give him my rifle and I grab my bow and arrow as we chased after Lily and Jackie. Before we could get to the gate, Lily sets the entrance on fire with a Molotov. They both grimly stare at us as they ran back into the woods.

"Clementine! Y/N, give us a hand here!" Louis shouts as he kills a walker with his shotgun. Me and Y/N ran into the help them as Y/N drops the rifle and pulls out his machete. So many walkers came into the court yard but we eventually killed them all as we all took a breather. Y/N and me took a walk through the post battle ground that was the court yard of Ericsson boarding school as we see Rosie looking at the gate into the dark woods as she whines about her master getting taken away. We hear crying as we look back and see Willy and Ruby over Mitch's dead body. Ellie and A.J came up to us as we both sadly smiled at each other, thankful that none of us died but saddened by losing some of our friends.

"They took Omar, Aasim and...Fuck, they took Marlon!" Louis Says.

"I know, Louis. But we'll find those assholes and get back our friends." Y/N says as he puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I would go to their home and destroy their walls and kill one of their own." Violet Says in anger.

"If only we knew where they're at, we would do just that." Ellie says.

"Well, we have someone who does." I Said. We all then went up to Abel, who was sitting against one of the lamp poles. He looks up at us with a bit of fear. Y/N then kneels down to his level and looks him straight in the eye.

"Let's have a nice, little chat. You bitch." Y/N says as he stands up and knocks him out with a kick to the leg...

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