Finding the boat.

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Clem's POV.

It was almost noon as Me, Y/N, A.J, Violet and Louis set out to find the boat Abel told Y/N about. I'm glad Y/N told me and A.J to leave the basement before he got Abel to talk. I could hear Abel's screams all the way outside the basement and I don't even wanna think about what he did to get him to talk. I quickly got that thought out of my head as I looked at the map where The Ohio River is.

"Are we close yet?" Y/N asked as he looks around the forest with his gun out.

"Yeah. We should see the river somewhere around here. Once we find it, we'll head back to Alexandria with the others and find a way to sneak onto the boat." I Said as I put away the map. We walked through the woods for a while before Louis Says.

"Hey you guys. I think I see it, up ahead." Louis Says. I looked in his direction and I see a big old river boat. We carefully got closer and hid behind a patch of grass. A.J then took out binoculars and looked down to the beach.

"See anything?" I asked.

"Uh..There's the beach. A boat and a wood street on the water." A.J Says.

"That's called a pier." I corrected him.

"Oh, pier." A.J Says.

"Okay, spread out. Look around the area and see what we can find. And don't get too close." Y/N says.

"Anything we should keep an ear out for?" Louis Says.

"See if this is The Delta's boat or not. If it looks like them, look for anything we exploit to get in and out quickly and quietly." Y/N says. We all nodded and spread out to look at the dock ahead. A.J went by himself. Louis and Violet stayed where we were and me Y/N went to the far left to look around. Y/N took out his binoculars and looked around the area in front of us.

"See anything?" I asked.

"There's some horses. Maybe once we rescue our friends, we can cut off their mout of transport by releasing their horses. Give us a better chance at escaping." Y/N says. I then see what looked like torches on a path that leads to a boat.

"What about those torches? We could use those to burn the hay next to the horses to scare them off." I suggested.

"Good idea." Y/N says. I was about to check on everyone else before Y/N says. "Hey, I know this isn't a good time but...What do think about us having our own house?"

"What do mean?" I asked.

"There was this old abandoned house back in Alexandria that I saw and Rick said they never use it. So I thought maybe that could be ours one day. Would you like that?" Y/N asked. My heart suddenly sunk once I heard that. Our own house...I never thought about that.

"Of course Id love that. But let's just focus on getting our friends back." I Said.

"Obviously." Y/N says as he looks back through the binoculars. I then carefully go over to Violet and Louis, who were looking through their binoculars at the boat.

"You guys see anything?" I asked.

"Well, I think these guys might be them." Violet Says.

"Oh really? I couldn't tell from all the guns and military clothes that their wearing." Louis Says sarcastically.

"Louis, why do have to you right now?" Violet Says.

"Guys, Stop!" I Said quietly in a demanding way. "Let me have a look." I Said. Violet hands me her binoculars and I look at the boat and the beach. "I think the only way in is through the pier."

TWDG: THE FINAL SEASON. (Clem x Male reader.) Where stories live. Discover now