Chapter 7: Animagus

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I'm running.

I'm running faster than I ever have in my life. I know he's chasing me down the hallway like burrow, But I don't turn around. That will only slow me down.

I turn a sharp corner and I can see the light poking out of the ceiling above me. I run faster. I need to get there quick. I climb out of the burrow and run so fast from the tree the willow doesn't even have time to flinch before I'm out of it's reach. Finally I look behind me, still running, and instead of a man I see a big black dog. It looked like the dog I gave my fucking bread to at the train station.

That only makes me run faster.

I run inside Hogwarts into the common room, expecting nobody to be there, then when I get inside I lean back against the door, eyes closed, and slide down the wall pulling my knees to my chest panting heavily.

"Oh my god! Hailey!" Screamed Savvy as she ran over to hug me

I looked up startled, thinking I was alone. She kneeled down beside me and hugged me. After a quick hug I realize all of the Slytherin common room was looking at me. I has sweaty, out of breath, and had blood dripping down my face from being hit by the willow. Everyone looked puzzled as to why I looked the way I did.

"I'm fine." I said standing up.
"I went for a walk and ran into a huge willow. Well actually it, kinda hit me." I said still having no idea how it did that

"Actually why did it hit me?" I say still confused

"It might have known you were a Potter." Said Pansy

"Patty, do me a favor and fuck off." I say very clearly annoyed and not in the mood for her bull

Me and Savvy walked up to our dorm and she helped me wash the blood off my face. Then I took a shower before dinner. I put on a jumper and a pair of spandex shorts to go down to dinner in, I also had on my fluffy socks so my toes didn't freeze.

When I got down there everybody seemed to be tired as they were all in their pajamas and everyone was yawning profusely. I sat down with Savvy and had some roasted chicken mashed potatoes and asparagus. Then I went to find Harry.

"Hey guys!" I said

"Hey" they said back they seemed a little down but I was glad to see Hermione eating dinner with everyone else.

"Hermione can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked
I need to know more about what I saw today. And with Hermione being a book worm I decided I need to ask her.

"Yeah. Be right back boys." She said standing up and meeting me outside the dining hall.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Umm, is it possible for a person to be an animal and a person?" I asked her this hesitantly not sure what reaction to get.

"Yeah. Like a werewolf?" She responded

"No, something that would be able to change on command. Like from a person to a dog." I asked her this but I took a pause before I said the last sentence to make it seem like I was simply choosing an animal to pick from.

"Yeah. An animagus! It's a person who takes a special potion and change whenever they please. Why?"

"Oh I'm just being curious I guess..." I laughed it off then went to go back to my seat when she grabbed my arm and said

"I know your probably shocked about your godfather but if you need to talk to anybody I'm here." She said sweetly with a small smile

"My what?" I asked very confused. She slapped her hands over her mouth super fast and said

"Harry didn't tell you, did he? Merlins beard! He's gunna kill me!"

"My. WHAT!?!?" I said causing all of the students to turn and look at me and Hermione.

"Look I shouldn't be the one to tell you this but you deserve to know. Sirius black is your godfather and he betrayed your parents by telling the dark lord where to find them." She said this scared like she knew she wasn't supposed to tell me. She probably shouldn't have.

I looked at my brother with hate in my eyes. He was still staring at me as was everyone else in the hall.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!" I screamed walking towards him.

It was deadly quiet. Harry stood up as well as Ron

"YOU LIAR!" I screamed

"Hailey, what did I do?"

"I'll tell you what you did because i don't lie to my twin brother!" I spat

His eyes widened as he began to realize what was happening.

"Hailey I think we should talk about this some place else." He said this calmly looking at all the people who were watching with desperate eyes, eager to know what happened.

"Why does it matter? I bet you already told the whole school, huh? JUST NOT YOUR FUCKING SISTER!" He's run out of patience. He grabbed my arm trying to get me to follow him but I wouldn't budge.

"Fine then we'll do this the hard way." He said loosing his cool completely.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Hey what are you doing!?" I asked
"PUT ME DOWN YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" I was screaming and punching his back, even kicking my legs but he wouldn't put me down. Everyone was staring watching the drama unfold.

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