Chapter 3: Hey big brother

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Laying there in the compartment was my brother getting the life sucked out of him by this ugly creature and I knew I had to act now.

"Expecto Petronum!" I yelled thinking of the first time I had met Harry. The demonic creature whooshed out of the window as I ran over to my brother to see if he was all right. He was ok he just passed out. The professor that was asleep in the compartment said he should only be unconscious for about 5 to 10 minutes. His name was Professor Lupin.

As I was waiting for my brother to wake up I saw a bushy haired girl with big front teeth and a ginger haired boy who looked like he was going to poo himself.

"Who are you and how did you just do that?" The bushy haired girl asked me as she was actually interested while the ginger boy just sat there looking dumbfounded while saying "what in the bloody hell just happened?"

"I'm Hailey. Hailey Potter. You must be Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. I've heard a lot about you from my brother here." I said smiling while patting my brothers head as he was laying flat on his belly. I was trying really hard not to smile but failed miserably and it made me look a bit psychotic. They stared at me eyes wide open.

"I'm sure Harry will explain when he wakes up from his little nap." I said still laughing at how funny Harry looked while laying down, his face all squished.

Harry opened his eyes about five minutes later and Professor Lupin handed him a pieced chocolate and said "Eat this. It will make you feel better."  He started eating his chocolate and asked the professor how he made the dementor go away. The idiot didn't even realize I was standing beside him.

"Are you stupid?" I spat at him as I slapped his shoulder with the back of my hand
He finally turned around and looked at me with wide eyes.
"He didn't make it go away, I did, you Little git!" As I said that he jumped up and hugged me so tight I couldn't breath

"H-Harry. Ca- can't. Breath." I was actually struggling quite a bit.

"Oh sorry!" Harry frantically jumped back letting go of me but was still completely gobsmacked as to why and how I was on the train.

"Hagrid said that Dumbledore thinks it safe and I can come to school with you!" I basically squealed that at him.

"That's amazing!!!"

For about 30 more minutes we sat there explaining to Ron and Hermione why Harry wasn't allowed to tell them about me for my safety and I basically told them my whole life story in 15 minutes. Then they started asking how I was able to produce a potronus. "I learned it when I was at the orphanage. Dumbledore gave me a book on magic and said I should look through the spells so I did everyday and it just worked." That's exactly what I said and they were still confused but I gave up and said I should go back to where my luggage was and I'd see them at dinner when I get sorted.

*also at this version of Hogwarts you can wear what you want unless you are a professor you don't have to wear those ugly Robes*

As we got to the castle everybody was ushered into the carriages that took them to the main gates. We all walked inside but professor Mcgonagle said I needed to come in last after all of the first years got sorted into their houses. Finally it was my turn and the Professor called me in.

"And now we have a very special new student in her second year. Miss Hailey Potter!"

The whole room turned silent for a couple seconds then it was filled with whispers as I was walking up to Professor Mcgonagle. Curious eyes scanned over my face and my body. As I sat down in the sorting chair I wondered where I would be placed. Professor put the hat on my head and it started talking.

"Hmmmmm, quite courageous and bold. You also seem to be quite cunning. Yessss. But where to put you... it's gotta be....


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