Chapter 9: The Big Plan

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"Merlin, she sleeps like a rock!"

I just HAD to wake up to that stupid voice. A nice, deep, soothing, voice. Snap out of it Hailey. You need to be mad. Okay and..... Action.

"POKE ME ONE MORE TIME AND THE FINGER. COMES. OFF." I said shooting up into a sitting position. I probably look bat shit crazy, but I don't care.

Malfoy jumped backwards falling on his ass. He had this funny look on his face. I think he shit himself. Everyone rolling up their sleeping bags stopped and looked our way. I don't like it when people look at me.

"Do I have something on my face?!?!" I ask sarcastically, everyone goes back to what they were doing. I roll my eyes.

"Big babies" I mutter as I turn back around to face Draco who I'm still mad at for waking me up. How dare he. But I'm not gonna do anything about it for the sake of my brilliant plan.

I head back over to my sleeping bag where I roll it up and walk back to the common room.

"So. Tired." I say laying face down on my bed

"Hahaha your always tired!" Said Savvy "and so dramatic."

"Hey! Watch it!!" I say throwing one of the my pillows at her face

We start laughing uncontrollably. We're basically rolling on the floor. Savvy has become my best friend ever. Not that you make many friends in an orphanage, but you get the point. I truly do think I've had the best time with her than I ever have in my life!


The past three weeks I've been spending my every second with Draco. My amazing plan was to pretend I'm messing around with Malfoy to get my brother to apologize because only Merlin knows how much he hates himself a Malfoy. Honestly, Malfoy isn't as bad as I thought. Since we started "seeing" each other he's been nice to me.

"Hey, pootie-kins, how is my little pookie?!?!"

Okay, that is the only thing he does that pisses me off.

"Draco, stop it." I snapped

"Awwwwww, is it that time of the month for my wittle pookie?"

"That. Is. It! That is my last straw I'm gonna- oof "

We were in the middle of the hallway in between classes when he pulled me into a spare classroom.

"Are you ins-" I was interrupted by his big, veiny hand covering my mouth. He cast a spell to lock the classroom door. I looked out the key hole and saw two tall ginger haired boys who I began to recognize as George and Fred Weasley. And I knew what Draco had done.

"Your getting smarter, does me being around you all the time have something to do with it?" I ask sarcastically, batting my eyelashes up at him. This only makes him laugh

"Of course, my little pookie" he says while booping my nose

We both laugh then hear the twins speaking from outside of the door and we listen in.

"Well George, it seems as though Harry's little sister is getting it on with his most favorite person in the world."

"Well Fred, it does seem like something we shouldn't stick our noses in as it's none of our business... but what's the fun in that?" Says George and they skipped off to go tell my dear brother.

Just as the brothers were out of sight me and Malfoy burst out into a fit of laughter. We were rolling on the ground and tearing up from laughing so hard.

"Harry's gunna flip!" I said still caught up in our fit of laughter

"I wanna see his face when they tell him!" Draco burst out before continuing to laugh

Finally we headed to potions class, but we were still red from laughing so hard which kind of worked out as it looked like we were both flustered... if you know what I mean 😏.



There I was. Sitting in the dining hall the next day eating my dinner when a very red Harry Potter came marching through the two oak doors making everyone look at him, as per usual. Always gotta be the center of attention. The only person still eating and not looking at him storm through the dining hall was me. His sister.

"One sec, let me finish my coco puffs." I said holding a finger up at him (like this ☝️but she was still eating and not looking at him and yes she is eating coco puffs for dinner. She's a bad bleep like that 💅)

Draco was sitting in front of me smirking. He was enjoying this. I mean so was I, but clearly not as much as he was since I was the one getting yelled at.


Draco immediately turned white. I don't think anyone has ever seen my brother so mad. I mean I for sure haven't. I burst out laughing. Instead of Malfoy smirking he was backing away from Harry pale as hell. It's hilarious!

"What are you laughing at? He's gunna come after you next!" Draco stated. I was still eating my coco puffs and I realized it was true. I hadn't gotten that far into the plan yet. Then Draco started running on the side of the table I was on and I realized Harry was on his tail. He grabbed my arm which made me spill my coco puffs.

"Hey! I was still eating those asshole!" I screamed still running

"I'll get you more, let's just not die today!" He screamed in response

Finally we lost Harry as we hid behind a big oak tree beside the lake. When finally gave up and went back inside the castle we both let out a sigh of relief thankful we hadn't died yet.


I stayed out next to the lake for a couple more hours looking at the stars through the lake. It looked like a liquid galaxy. It was so pretty. The moon was full tonight too so that made it ten times more breathtaking.

Then just as I was about to get up and go inside I heard a howl, coming from the whomping willow.

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