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'Bella come on! We're going to be late if you don't hurry' shouted Chris.
'I'll be 5 more minutes, just be patient' I replied.

Chris was my neighbour and my boyfriend. He was tall, had a gorgeous glowing tan, curly brown hair, and deep blue eyes that glistened in the sun. He deserved to be on the front cover of a magazine, but let's be honest, I don't want thousands of girls admiring my boyfriend. Especially not when we can't even go into town without getting girls staring in our direction.

Today, Chris took me on our first proper date. We've been dating for around 6 months and we have been out for coffee on some occasions but we've never been on a 'typical' romantic date. I think it was partly because today was the day I found out that I had passed all of my exams and got A's in a lot of them. He wouldn't tell me where we were going though- he wanted to surprise me.

I minced down the stairs and there, outside the front door, was Chris holding a beautiful bouquet of magnolias. They were my favourite flower. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a black shirt with the top three buttons undone. He also had on his brand new Rolex and an auriferous chain around his neck.

'Wow babe' I exclaimed. 'You look amazing'.
'Not as good as you though, look at that dress' he responded.

I wore a short, off the shoulder red dress with a pair of black stilettos and a Pearl necklace. My hair was tied up in a tight bun and my fringe was straightened perfectly.

'Why don't we just skip dinner and go straight to my room' I joked.

But Chris wasn't having any of it; he was determined to take me on the best first date ever.

'You guys have fun' my mum called from the other room. 'Back by 11, you know the rules!'

'We'll leave the restaurant at 10.30, and we'll make sure to text if there are any delays. Don't you worry Mrs Blake' Chris laughed.


We had just arrived to the restaurant. Chris drove us there in his brand new Tesla- his dad was extremely rich as he was the CEO of a company. However Chris was stuck living with his alcoholic mother as his dad worked away all the time. Once we were parked, he came around to the passenger side and opened the door for me. Who new proper gentlemen still existed?

We were at a stunning French restaurant in a city about half an hour away from where we lived.

The restaurant was a traditional building however there were some modern aspects. It was lavishly decorated and had a portrait of the original owner above the reception desk. Crystals were hanging down from the golden chandelier that was in the centre of the reception area.

Outside of the main part of the restaurant was a gorgeous lake which glimmered in the moonlight. There was a narrow, wooden bridge that was lit with fairy lights and on the other side of the bridge was a prepossessing white gazebo centred with a candle lit table. There were bushes of red roses climbing up both sides of the gazebo.

The night sky was aglow with the bright city lights and the stars were watching over us as we walked gracefully towards the bridge.

'Chris, is this where we are eating?' I asked hesitantly, gesturing over to the candle lit table.
'Yes' he replied, 'I want this to be the most perfect first date for you.'

'Babe, this is too much'

The table had a white table cloth rimmed with gold, there were two lavender candles in the centre, and rose petals all over- it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Except for Chris of course.

When we got to our table, Chris pulled my chair out for me like a proper gentleman would. The waiter came over and we ordered our food – we told the waiter to let the chef choose our meal for us. The waiter brought out a plate of posh bread rolls shaped into hearts and while we waited for our meal, we spoke a lot.

Chris has been going through quite a rough time; although his dad is rich, his parents have been divorced for a while and Chris and his mum were stuck living in a rough neighbourhood, which also happened to be mine. I do feel sorry for Chris because his dad is barely around to see him where he's always on work business trips.

Eventually our food came and we had the chefs special which happened to be Bouillabaisse and we finished the meal with a plate of macaroons.

The meal was luscious, I could of eaten it all again.
For the whole date I had butterflies in my stomach. It was amazing, I couldn't believe he had done this for me. I wouldn't of imagined it to be any better.


After we finished eating at around half 9, Chris took me for a walk around the restaurants lake. It was gorgeous. The moon was reflecting off the ripples and leaving cool patterns upon our skin. There were petite frogs jumping across the Lily's that covered the lake.

Out of nowhere, a log appeared in front of me and I almost went flying over it; but Chris grabbed me and stopped me from falling. As he held me, he moved his body closer to mine and started to kiss me. His lips were soft and his kiss was gentle. He placed his hand on my lower back and started to move it downwards.

'Chris stop, we need to get home' I laughed.

'What babe, you too scared someone will see us?'

'Ummm yeah. We're at a restaurant, anyone could see'

'Well I don't see anyone' he joked. 'And anyway, we're only kissing'.

'Just take me home' I giggled as he started to tickle my thigh. 'My mum will worry if we aren't back soon'

And so we got in his car and he drove us home.

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