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What happened?

There was so much beeping. There were bright lights all around me. There were nurses everywhere. All I can remember was hanging out of Chris's window, trying to escape before his mum caught us; then it went dark.

I had been awake for around 20 Minutes when a doctor came in to inject a cannula into my arm so I could get medication.

'What happened?' I asked quite scared.

'You had an accident' the doctor replied. 'It was quite bad, you fell out a window, broke your leg and got a concussion, but your on medication and we will perform surgery on your leg tomorrow. You will need to be on crutches for a few weeks afterwards, but the healing process shouldn't be too painful'

'Oh okay, thank you.' I said quietly. I felt to dizzy to speak properly.

It was quite cold in the hospital. I don't know if it was just me but I could not stop shivering. The beeping would not stop repeating in my ears. My head was all over the place; I decided just to go to sleep.


I slept all through the night. I had the most weird dream though. I wasn't able to figure out what the dream was actually about. It was extremely confusing; those dreams are the worst- you just spend the whole day trying to figure out what was happening.

Anyway, after I woke up, the nurse brought me my breakfast. It was disgusting. There was a jelly like substance- but it didn't taste like jelly- and one piece of plain toast.

'Eww, that looks gross' called a voice from in the corridor. 'I think you'll enjoy this better'. Hazel came into my room holding a huge bar of chocolate.

'Oh my god Hazel, you are a life saver' I laughed, trying to grab the chocolate. 'How did you know I was here?'

'I went by your house today and Ted said you were brought here. What happened?'

'It's a funny story actually. I was with Chris in his room and his mum came home so he made me jump out the window and I fell.'

'What the fuck, that's not right, why would he make you jump out the window? You can do better than him.'

Inside, I knew I could do better than Chris, that was clear from our conversation the other day when he made me feel guilty about something completely out of my control; but I cared about him a lot and didn't want to lose him.

And in all honesty we did just sleep together so I can't be mad at him for too much longer.

Just on cue, Chris texted me asking if I was okay.

I just sent him a blunt reply: yeah I'm amazing, just sat in here with a broken leg and concussion, thank God Hazel came here, means I'm not left alone. Gotta go tho, bye.

I wasn't ready to talk to Chris properly, I love him, don't get me wrong, but he just really pisses me off sometimes, I feel like everything in our relationship has to work around what he wants, he never asks me what I want.

Well, apart form that night.

I was getting wet just thinking about it.

Hazel sat with me for a few hours. We were just chatting about life and eating a ton of chocolate; this was until the doctor came in and told me they were getting ready to prep me for surgery.

They told me I had to go six hours without eating and then they could perform the surgery.

Now this was going to be a challenge. Food gives me comfort in stressful situations and I know that's not ideal but that's just the way my brain works. I had no idea how I was gonna go that long without food or drink but it will have to do.


Finally after the torturous 6 hours the doctors came to get me the the OR.

I was actually quite worried. I had never had surgery before- unless you count the minor surgery I had to remove my implant- and I had so many questions going around in my head. Who will be waiting for me after? What if the anaesthetic doesn't work and I wake up? Will I feel anything?

My breath was shaking.

'I guess that's my cue to leave' Hazel whispered.

I really didn't want her to leave though. I felt safe while she was with me, and I was too scared to go into surgery alone- but she couldn't come with me.

'Yeah I guess so, see you soon?' I replied

'Honey, I'll be here when you get out of surgery' Hazel laughed. 'I'll make sure to go and get more snacks'

'Can't wait' I said with a huge smile on my face. 'I'm starving'

While they wheeled me to the surgical room, I couldn't stop thinking about Hazel, I'm not sure why, but I feel like part of me wishes we were more than just friends. I can't believe I'm saying that because I've never felt that way about a girl, but Hazel is just different- she makes me laugh, smile and I can just talk to her about anything.

But how could I like her? I haven't known her for long, and I have a boyfriend. Does that make me a bad person?

Maybe it's just a phase. It's normal to have a crush on someone without it meaning something - at least that's what my best friend tells me. I wish she could be here so I can talk to her about it, hopefully she should be back this week though.

'Are you ready?' The surgeon asked.
'Yes' I replied.

'Okay, here is some anaesthetic, just breath in and out and we will count back from ten. Ten... nine... eight... seven...' he said, but as he counted, his voice got quieter and quieter.


'Ouch' I could barely feel my legs. Maybe the anaesthesia was still in my system. Well actually there was a high likelihood of that seeing as I had just had surgery.

There was a bright light in the room and I could feel something on my face. It was soft and tickled.

As I opened my eyes, I saw the last person I was expecting to see.

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