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As soon as I finished getting what I needed in town, I walked straight to the bus station. I was waiting for about half an hour until the bus came. It worried me about what was going on at Chris's house.
When I arrived at his house, I walked in and the house was a mess. I thought to myself, what the fuck had Michelle done now?

The house was utterly trashed. The coffee table was shattered all over the living room, you couldn't step anywhere without being stood on glass. The TV had a tremendous dent on the bottom left corner. The sofa looked as if someone had attacked it with a pair of scissors- although let's be honest, it probably HAD been attacked with a pair of scissors. Michelle was sat in her bedroom balling her eyes out.
'Oh my god Chris, what happened?!' I shouted calmly.

He just sat there in silence.

'Chris? What happened?' I repeated.

Eventually he answered me with a tear falling from his eye, 'Adam came over. He started accusing my mum of cheating on him and he got aggressive. All of a sudden he was yelling and throwing things, mum is terrified.'

I didn't have any words. I couldn't express to him how sorry I was that this happened. How was Michelle even coping with this?

I went in and sat in silence with her- I just wanted it to be clear that I was here to help; I loved Chris and I hated seeing he and his mum go through stuff like this. After sitting with her for a few minutes, I went to help Chris tidy up the lounge.


A few hours had passed and we had eventually finished sorting out the living room. It took quite a while, but we managed to sort it out.

Chris eventually gained the nerve to text his dad: hey dad, I'm sorry to be a pain, but mum and Adam had an argument and the place got trashed. Could we borrow some money to repair the damage?

It wasn't very often that Chris went to his dad for help, so this must've been extremely serious if he was willing to ask his dad for money.

Chris and his dad didn't have the best father-son relationship. His dad would send him expensive gifts all the time, but they didn't have the sort of the relationship where they could talk about serious things- like what happens with his mum and the things going on in Chris's life. I guess part of this is because his dad is always away on business, so it's hard for Chris to just bring up what is going on in his shitty life without sounding like he's begging for his dads attention.

I felt horrified about what had happened. Michelle was left terrified to even be in the house without Adam coming over and causing more problems. And Chris had to take care of her to make sure she didn't do anything stupid.


Finally I arrived home. It had been such a long day and I was just relieved that I could sit down and relax. I love Chris so much but sometimes, his mum could become a bit too much.

My mum had cooked dinner for when I got home. We had lasagne- my favourite. My mum is one of the most amazing women I know. She has been through so much shit in her life. When my dad left her, it completely broke her but then she met my stepdad, Ted, and he completely changed the way she felt.

My mum and Ted have been together for around 13 years now and Ted has always treated me the same way as he treats his own children. I get along so well with his other children, they are extremely kind.

'Thanks for the dinner' I shouted to my mum before I went to my bedroom.

When I got into my bedroom, I sat on my bed and watched The Vampire Diaries until I fell asleep. I have rewatched it now about three times. I love it!


A few days had passed and nothing had really happened. Me and Chris had spoken over the phone a lot, but he had gone to stay with his grandparents for a few days with his mum but he was coming home today. I spent most of those days watching Netflix and texting Hazel. I know, how lazy right?

Later on mum shouted up to me 'Bella come downstairs please we need to talk.'

Oh no. Why did she need to speak to me?

I quickly ran downstairs and sat at the table with my mum.

'Bella, you need to stop going over to Chris's house when Michelle is drunk' she explained.

'But why?' I argued.

'Me and Ted are just not comfortable with you going there when Michelle is like how she was today. She's dangerous when she's drunk and we don't want you being around her in case she lashes out at you. And it's not fair for Chris to ask you to help.'

This made me so angry. I understand that they are just trying to keep me safe but seriously? Michelle is my boyfriends mum, it's not fair for them to say I can't help him with her.

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