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'Me and Ted are just not comfortable with you going there when Michelle is like how she was today. She's dangerous when she's drunk and we don't want you being around her in case she lashes out at you. And it's not fair for Chris to ask you to help.'

This made me so angry. I understand that they are just trying to keep me safe but seriously? Michelle is my boyfriends mum, it's not fair for them to say I can't help him with her.

How am I going to tell Chris? Yeah sorry Chris my mum doesn't want me around your mum because she is a dangerous alcoholic. No! That's just horrible.


About an hour after mum and Ted spoke to me, I found the confidence to talk to Chris about what my mum had told me. So I texted him.

Hey Chris can you come over, need to talk?

He replied with: yes, give me 5 minutes

As soon as he got to my house, we went up to my room and spoke. I had no idea how to tell him about my mum and Ted's chat with me. It was horrible. But I guess they are my parents so they just want what is best for me.

'What do you want to talk about then?' He asked me.

'Look I don't know how to say this, but I can't come to your house anymore when you mum is drunk. Mum and Ted aren't comfortable with me being around your mum when she is like that.' I answered.

'What the fuck?!' He clamoured.

'I know it's unfair, I wish I could help you'

'No Bella, what the fuck is wrong with you?! You have never been hurt by my mum. Why not just ignore your fucking parents? I'm your boyfriend so I should be your first priority. If it was the other way round, I would ignore my mum and come and help you no matter what but clearly you don't give a shit about me' he shouted as he started walking down the stairs.

'Chris, they're my parents, I have to respect them. I love you but I don't want my mum to worry about me' I cried following him down.

'Fuck off Bella' he screamed at me as he slammed the door in my face.

Tears started streaming down my face. My chest was heavy with sobs. How was this my fault? I fell to the floor trying to wipe away the tears but it was like a waterfall; the tears were endless. The argument was just uninvitedly playing on repeat in my head. I never thought he would take it that badly. I thought he would at least speak to me calmly about it.


A few hours passed and I still just wanted to curl up in bed and cry. But I know that won't do me any good- at least that's what mum taught me. So instead I texted someone to meet up.

Hey Hazel. Do you want to go to the spoons for dinner, need to take my mind off a few things.

Almost straight away, I got a reply from her:
Heya, yeah would love to. Meet at 6?

I responded saying 6 is fine. That gave me around 3 hours to get ready so I had a nice warm shower so I could shave and wash my hair. Then I did my makeup. I wore some glittery eyeshadow, black winged eyeliner and dark nude lipstick. I had to straighten my hair; otherwise my mum says I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. Finally I put on a pair of blue ripped jeans, a black lace bodysuit and my new Air Force 1's and left the house to catch the bus.

Spoons restaurants are my go to places for a meal. It's cheap- which is great because I don't have a job yet so only get pocket money from my parents, and the food is amazing.


When I got to spoons, Hazel was already waiting outside. She had drove there whereas I missed the bus so I was 10 minutes late. We went into the restaurant and sat at a table for two and we browsed the menu. I decided on a Tennessee burger and Hazel had a BBQ chicken pizza. For drinks, I had an alcohol free strawberry and lime koppaberg, and Hazel settled with a pint of coke. After I went up to the bar to order, the waitress bought over our drinks and Hazel asked me,

'How come you're upset?'

I replied saying 'I had an argument with my boyfriend and he stormed out screaming at me. I guess it's my fault tho, I told him when his mum is drunk, I can't go over because my parents think she's aggressive.'

'That's horrible. I mean him. You can't help it and you were well within your right to tell him that. Hopefully he will get over it.'

'Yeah I hope so'

The waitress bought over our food and all I could think when I saw my burger was how the fuck and I gonna fit that in my mouth. It was huge.

Hazel gave me a slice of her pizza and I gave her some of my chips. I mean, are you really friends if you don't share your food?

We were there for about 2 hours. After we finished our meal, we ordered some more drinks and spoke for ages. I just felt so close to her. She's one of those friends that I can talk to about anything without any judgment. Even tho we only met a few days ago I felt like I had know her for years.

When we finished at the restaurant, Hazel and I went to Tesco and got a chocolate cake to share. We sat in a field just outside of the city centre and finished the cake. It was luscious. The chocolate melted on my tongue and I felt shivers up my spine. There is no desert better than a creamy chocolate cake.

Hazel took me home at around 10.

'Thanks for tonight' she called out to me before I walked inside. 'I had a really nice time'
'Me too!' I shouted back

I fell straight to sleep when I went to bed- the night was amazing.

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