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Sen's sneakers were quickly filling with sand, but she had to keep running. Several yards ahead, the ends of Killua's poodle-fluff hair bobbed mockingly. The boy cackled gleefully as he ran off with his prize.

"YOU KISS YOUR MOTHER WITH THAT MOUTH!?" He taunted over his shoulder.



Sen sped up.

She had to steal it back.



Tracking Sen down was not easy. Not that Killua would ever admit that.

He would never understand how some loud dumbass could be that good at hiding. He'd stalked scarier people with much better results. But he guessed Sen was scary in her own right.

Killua remembered her swiftly, brutally ending that guy's life in Trick Tower. The way she'd strolled back to their group, clutching a bloodied nose ring. No screaming, no tears, no regrets. Just because the man had indirectly threatened Sen's family.

She was different from him, so loyal. She came to the Hunter Exam for her family. Killua came to get away from them.

He wondered what that was like, a real family. Not whatever the hell the Zoldycks were.

Killua would pick Sen's brain eventually.

He grimaced at the thought of that grueling task. She guarded her mind like Mike guarded the Zoldyck Estate.

He wondered if maintaining Shadow Step was even worth it. Sen was extremely perceptive and would sense Killua's presence regardless. The first time she caught him trying to sneak up on her, he was taken aback. 

Were a mere few weeks off his usual training schedule taking a toll on his skills? Or was Sen just on another level? 

He blamed it on her genes. She was half-kitsune, after all.

Killua saw her backpack first— black, with a Hello Kitty keychain hanging from the zipper. It was nestled in a tree branch. But no Sen.

Until he looked up further.

Killua squinted. "What are you, a squirrel?" 


Sen had been practicing Nen every morning she'd been on the island. After she snatched her target's badge, Sen fell into complete and utter boredom, interspersed with fitful sleep and something that she refused to call hallucinations. She was never good at being alone.

Practicing Ten and Ren were the only things keeping her from screaming.

Also, if she slacked on the basics, Kotaro would know. He would come after her with a slipper.

"What are you, a squirrel?" A familiar voice pierced through her meditation.

Sen screamed (well, fuck), quickly deactivating her Nen. 

She looked down and wished she'd yelled a little louder. Just enough to rupture that dumb Cotton Ball's eardrums. How dare Killua sneak up on her without her knowing. The sheer audacity.

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