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tw: catcalling & mentions of perverted men (what else is new), but no actual assault

SEN'S MENTAL concept of a ship consisted of the loud, bulky ferries that came and went from her island. Cold metal railings and flimsy chains half-heartedly warning people to stay away from the openings. Inside, the sun-faded orange seats were bolted to the floor, stray candy wrappers whispering up and down the aisles. The windows were forever murky from sea salt.

It was a stark contrast to the ship taking her close to Zaban City. It was made of wood; big and spacious with a mast and sails, like a proper pirate ship. Except it was extraordinarily clean and there were no parrots or eyepatches to be seen. The triplets would've loved it, though. 

Sen was slouched against the side of the ship, legs out in front of her. Her right foot tapped lazily against a barrel. 

As much as she liked this pseudo-pirate ship, it was unfortunately full of men. Specifically, the gruffest, muscliest ones Jappon had to offer. They clustered together on one side of the deck like schoolgirls— comparing scars or knives or whatever— and were all on their way to the Hunter Exam. They weren't subtle.

The small number of people on Sen's side of the ship (not Hunter applicants, visiting Zaban City for other reasons, she could tell by their demeanors) glanced nervously at the raucous group from time to time, holding their children or belongings close to their sides.

"I hate this time of year," one of them muttered. "It's always the weird types trying to be Hunters."

A few others grumbled their assent. 

Sen sat strategically close enough to a woman and her young daughter to make it seem like she was with them. That way, the men sending Sen lascivious looks from the opposite side of the ship wouldn't try to approach her. She was a bit amused that people who wanted to be paragons of adventure and skill had such disgusting habits.

The only applicant who seemed to be of any actual use was a bald man in all black, a red scarf around his neck. He enthusiastically told the others he was a ninja, with body language that was a little too open. Trying to throw people off their game before they even reached the city, hm?

Sen could spot deception like a hawk. Or a fox. It had a smell.

She slouched even further and watched two seagulls make wide circles around the crow's nest. The wind blew at just the right angle for a chunk of black hair to stick itself to Sen's lips. She grimaced and fluffed it off.

The little girl near her, who had been sitting quietly on her mother's lap, suddenly gasped. 

"Mister Bunny!" 

Out of the corner of Sen's eye, a tiny pastel blur tumbled past her head. Not listening to her mother's startled protests, the little girl darted after it.

Sen was faster.

She snatched the tiny object before it could fall too far over the edge. It was a stuffed pink rabbit with satin ears. The nice kind of toy she could never afford for her sisters. The thing was light as a feather; a strong breeze could (and did) easily suck it from a child's limp grip. Sen handed it to the kid.

The little girl blinked owlishly, pigtails swaying, still processing the panic of nearly losing her toy.

"T...thank you..." She said quietly.

"It's alright," Sen smiled. "Make sure Mister Bunny doesn't get hurt, yeah?"

"Mm," the girl agreed, bowing once in respect before shuffling back to her mother.

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