33 | wall

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tw: guy gets murdered in 1st sentence!! (this is old news to y'all), mentions of injury

KILLING SADASO was embarrassingly easy. Kotaro broke into his Heavens Arena suite with no issues, and it took nearly fifteen minutes for the guy himself to notice the intruder lurking in the shadows.

At that point, Kotaro was finished playing. The blade passed swiftly through Sadaso's throat. 

Life was short for anyone who touched his sisters. 

His fingers twitched around the knife, struck with a gruesome temptation to keep stabbing.

"It would've been cleaner if you used Nen," came a girlish, mocking voice.

Kotaro felt the beginnings of a headache. "Didn't I tell you to stay outside?"

"The hall was empty when we got here, it was still empty when I left," Sen whined.

"I wasn't aware you knew En."

He'd told his sister to keep watch down the hall. Either she was bored enough to abandon her post and watch a murder, or this was just morbid entertainment for her. Knowing her, it was probably both.

Sen was perched on the coffee table. At least she had enough sense to keep back from the worst of the carnage. The last thing Kotaro needed was to replace her sneakers again.

She looked at the corpse dispassionately, drumming her fingers on the table.

"The only people who would come to see him are those other two creeps," she said.

"So housekeeping doesn't exist?" 

Sen swayed in place, uncomprehending. Kotaro watched in amusement as she slowly realized her oversight.

"Let's go, stupid. Clean-up should be here soon," he turned away from the body.

"You called housekeeping?" She asked in disbelief.

The urge to throw a chair at her was astronomically high.

After thumping Sen's head, he explained that he called Oliver, the Hunter-slash-fake-bartender, to get rid of the body. 

"Oliver's here?" She squealed excitedly.

She'd been in a grim state since last evening. When Mai failed to return from the run, Sen and Kotaro went back out to look for her. They bumped into Killua, blank-faced, with two unconscious children slung over his shoulders. One of them was Mai.

Sen's screams were loud enough to wake the dead. Too upset to sleep, she'd spent the night coddling a grumbling Mai.

It was nice to see Sen bouncing in place and happy again, even though the matchmaking was at Kotaro's expense.

They stopped by a diner to pick up an early lunch, idly talking as they waited for takeout. (Sen warned him away from the smoothies.)

"You can't stop me from calling two mooses 'meese'," Sen said.

"The plural of moose is 'moose', you dumbass. It's two moose," he flicked her cheek.

As if they hadn't just killed a guy.

"I have an idea," said Sen as they left the diner. "About my Hatsu."


"You remember when I took ribbon dancing classes? When I was little?" 

"Yeah. Why?" He asked, wondering what she was thinking.

Years ago, a community center on the mainland offered free activities for children. Kotaro enrolled Sen in some dance class that she attended for a year and a half. He'd wanted to give her something else to focus on after the dog attack.

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