41.5 | us

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note: this takes place sometime after the trio gets to yorknew, but before sen gets kidnapped. shorter chapter. fluff fluff fluff, smidgen of angst, pure killusen lol

"C-CAN WE... do you want... ugh. This isn't working."

As the former up-and-coming heir of the Zoldyck family, Killua received a rigorous education; negotiation skills, business administration, basic politics. Stuff most people didn't learn until college.

But no one ever taught him how to ask his own damn girlfriend on a date. 

It was embarrassing. He could almost hear Milluki laughing at him.

Sen sipped loudly on a strawberry smoothie and patiently waited for him to articulate his thoughts.

Killua didn't deserve someone as accomodating as her.

Her dark eyes widened. "Wait, are you trying to ask me on a date? Oh my god. You look like a peppermint with how red your face is, and, you know, your hair—"

Never mind. He wanted to smother her with a pillow.

"No, I'm not asking you on a date," Killua barked. Then, "... That was a lie."

"I know, I could smell it."

"I hate you," he crossed his arms.

"Sure," she placed her emptied smoothie cup on the table. "Anyway, we're going to see a movie. And you're finally getting me fried tofu."

Killua's cheeks, which had started to cool down, heated back up. 

How could Sen be so casual about it? Was this not the most awkward thing she ever experienced? Ripping out hearts was easier.

"Dude, chill," Sen was already slipping her sneakers on. "We're already dating. Couples go on dates. No biggie."

"But aren't dates supposed to be... special? Like, moonlight picnics or fancy dinners?"

Sen tilted her head. "I mean, it depends on what you're comfortable with. Some people like huge gestures of affection. Others just wanna spend time with their partner, even if that means sharing a bag of chips at home. So, if you're okay with it, and I'm okay with it, a movie and fried tofu is a good date."

"Oh," was all Killua had to say.

That was a different way of looking at it. 

Growing up, Killua was told that his spouse would be picked for him. That any 'dating' would serve as the engagement period, and he was expected to have a few grand outings planned to woo his chosen partner.

In his world, dating was a formality. It was depressing, and he'd been dead-set on avoiding it.

But Sen was telling him something else. He imagined tossing popcorn at her and laughing when it got stuck in her long hair. She would grab a handful of popcorn, twice as much as he threw, and stuff it down the collar of his shirt. Maybe he would glimpse her screen-lit smile.

No huge planning, no expectations (except the fried tofu). Just them.

He wanted that.

"Why do you know so much about this stuff?" He was curious. 

"I don't," she scrunched her nose. "My brother does. He dates boys all the time. Sometimes I ask him things and he'll answer, but he tells me to fuck off if I'm being annoying."

Sen's eyes glittered fondly, despite her pained smile.

Killua, not a fan of feeling vulnerable, coughed to get rid of the tension. "So, what's the movie?"

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