30 | chase

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tw: cat-calling (in the background, not directed at any of the main characters)

THE WIND blew with an odd warmth that Zushi could only describe as ominous. Like something big was going to happen. Wing always told him to keep track of gut feelings like those. More often than not, they were right.

Zushi was on his way to the library to return a martial arts history book. Passing through the open market, Zushi spotted one display surrounded by a small crowd.

A saleswoman with a microphone and a concerning amount of enthusiasm steadily drew in more onlookers.

"Step right up, folks! Who wants to have a try at the infamous Rubik's cube? If you solve it in one sitting, you get it for free! If you don't, that's alright, pricing starts at—"

Behind the saleswoman, several pinched-face people sat at a plastic folding table, turning the colorful cubes round and round in their hands.

Ah, Zushi thought sympathetically. He'd tried one of those before. It took him over a week to solve it.

"I'll try, Miss Saleslady!" 

A young girl slunk by him. Zushi hadn't sensed her presence at all, even though she'd been right behind him.

"Ah!" The saleswoman's face brightened. "Another volunteer! Perfect!"

Zushi watched the girl with a sense of unease. Not only did she strut up to the table like it was a done deal, but her aura felt... prickly. Less like a cactus and more like your skin tingling after being poisoned.

The crowd's attention zeroed in on the newcomer. She was pretty, with russet skin and long, inky hair. When the saleswoman handed the girl a cube, her smile turned impish.

Wing would call her bad news.

She spent a few minutes studying each face of the cube with a strange intensity. When she started twisting, Zushi could barely follow her hands. 

After fifteen seconds, the scary girl held up a solved Rubik's cube.

"I get to keep it, right, Miss Saleslady?" 

"Y-yes!" The poor saleswoman stammered. "Goodness, aren't you an expert!"

The girl squealed and clapped her hands in delight. The other people at the table gave her death stares.

With no further explanation (or even a 'thank you'), she darted back into the marketplace, prize in hand. 

Zushi resolved to tell Wing about her later.

When he actually got to the library, it was an hour to closing time. Sliding the book into the returns slot, he let out a breath of relief.

"Kil-lu-a, stop breathing down my neck!"

"I wouldn't have to if you logged in faster!"

Hearing a pair of familiar hushed voices, he ventured in further and found Gon and Killua at the computer station. Gon squinted at whatever was on the screen, face illuminated. Standing beside him was Killua, frowning and bouncing on his toes impatiently.

"Hey, guys," Zushi greeted quietly, mindful of the librarian side-eyeing them.

"Zushi, hi!" Gon grinned, turning to face him.

Killua sucked his teeth and batted Gon's hands away from the keyboard. 

"What are you doing?" Zushi asked, watching Killua frantically click the mouse.

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