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IT WAS 2:13 AM and Killua was looking at house listings on his laptop.

The blue light was starting to make his eyes sting, but it was nothing compared to what he was used to. A stuffed pink unicorn stared at him judgmentally from the other side of the kitchen table— a spoil of war from Alluka's last visit.

"Yeah, yeah," Killua told the unicorn. "Just a few more minutes."

He took a screenshot of the house he was looking at and sent it to Gon: do you think sen wants a balcony

After the obligatory 'why the hell are you sending me house pictures as two in the morning', Gon put him in his place: forget the balcony. you picked a house in one of the coldest parts of jappon. she'll gut you like a fish hahaha

Killua saw that the house was, in fact, in the Hokkaido region.

He swore lowly and went back to the drawing board. 

He hadn't heard her approach, but the long hair illuminated by his laptop gave her away.

"Why are you awake?" Sen yawned, eyes still shut.

"House-hunting," Killua leaned back, letting Sen wrap her arms around his shoulders and press a kiss to his cheek.

"At two in the morning?"

"Your brother keeps giving me the stink-eye," he clicked on a listing that wasn't in the Hokkaido region.

"He's been giving you the stink-eye since we were twelve," Sen snorted, pulling a chair up next to him.

"Yeah, but now it's more of a 'you and my sister are not living in this crap studio apartment for the rest of your lives' look."

"There's nothing wrong with your apartment," she protested lightly.

But there was, and it had everything to do with the way Sen said 'your' and not 'our'. 

Killua turned eighteen last week. So would Sen in a few months. Between that and their Hunter's licenses, they'd soon be perfectly eligible to buy their own place. One without a shitty landlord and occasional roach problems.

"This one has a big yard," Sen hovered the cursor over a house in the southeast. "I like it."

"Not a good area," Killua sighed. He liked that one, too. "Bad flooding there whenever it storms. It's always on the news."


Early on in their relationship, neither of them would've been caught dead having this conversation.

Killua was on the run from his family, and Sen was dealing with a political war. No time to think about the future or abodes. In fact, a large chunk of those years had been spent fighting, usually about clashing family values; Sen had many. His were... sparse.

However, the passing years softened their shells like butter. When Sen inevitably moved into Killua's apartment, they grew around and with each other, establishing better modes of communication.

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