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"sour candy" - lady gaga & blackpink


a/n: Hi! I wrote this hot mess of a story a few years ago, but I notice that a lot of readers are confused about this, so I'm just going to clear it up.

This is NOT an x reader story... Sen, the main character, is an OC (original character).

The two are different but a lot of people use the word 'reader' even when it's really an OC. A reader-character usually has very few defining features so that people reading the story can see themselves as that character. This is usually a Y/N character. An OC is a type of created character with their own name, personality, physical characteristics, abilties and backstory. 

Hope this helps everyone going forward! 


tw: referenced blood, gore, & death

THE SCREAMS started up at 2:13 AM.

Sen Inoue slipped out of her futon as quietly as she could, not wanting to wake her younger sisters. The other women employees did the same, grumbling lowly, all of them shuffling silently over the tatami flooring toward the veranda.

Someone slid the rice paper door open, and the screaming became more apparent.

"Tch, what in the seven hells is that?" one of the women complained. "Those idiots will wake the patrons!"

"Quit yer whining, that ruckus is coming from Umishin. Human ears can't pick up noise from that far away. 'Sides, these rich folk sleep like the dead."

Umishin was the island neighboring theirs. At that time of night, it was but an ominous black shape looming in the distance. And it was screaming. Sen fought the urge to grip onto the wood balustrade for comfort.

Below, the ocean lapped against the side of the coast. The full moon cast little diamonds on the darkened water. If it weren't for the macabre symphony echoing several miles away, the night would've been beautiful.

Sen shifted uneasily, still half-asleep. The other women were in a similar state. At that point, the noise had to have woken the other natives.

"What is that?" came a groggy voice from her right.

Mai, the little ghost, had crept up beside Sen without her knowledge. The young girl was rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"I don't know," Sen wrapped an arm around her little sister's shoulders. "Let's go back inside, okay?"

Mai acquiesced, padding back into the shared room silently. Sen tucked her back in, and she fell asleep instantly. Upon inspection, the triplets, thankfully, remained asleep. Sen stayed upright on her futon, a hand on the closest triplet. She kept her gaze fixed out the open doorway. The sea breeze blew in gently, at odds with the sounds it carried to them.

"That sounds like a damn massacre," said another woman on the veranda.


SOUR CANDY | killua z. ✔Where stories live. Discover now