42 | ghost

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tw: emotional abuse/manipulation by a parent, mentions of vomiting, alcohol

Your move.

"SEN! YOU alright, kid?" Leorio tapped on the bathroom door. "You've been in there for half an hour."

"I'm okay," she lied.

The only reason Leorio hadn't kicked the door down was because of his new buddy, Zepile. Outside, the men went back to loudly exchanging stories of growing up in the slums. A bark-like laugh here and there.

She had to restrain herself from throwing up for the third time. Her palms were sweating beneath the bandages.

The box on the counter was glossy, topped with a useless velvet bow. The black kimono inside was patterned with tiny pink flowers. Tucked underneath was a pair of zori sandals and crisp white socks. All delicate, unlike Sen.

The ensemble reeked of money. 

Touching everything in that box made her sick, but because she valued her life, Sen put everything on. 

Her clammy fingers fumbled with the obi, but she managed to tie it.

She winced when the sandals clicked against the tiled floor. She didn't like making noise when walking. Not even Zetsu would hide that.

The sun's deep orange rays filtered in through the frosted window. A countdown.

Her hand hovered over the doorknob.

What if she just... didn't go? What if Sen changed back into her hand-me-down sweats, stuffed the expensive outfit in the trash, and went the fuck to sleep?

A pipe dream. A bad one.

Sen was one of her mother's oldest children. Denying the invitation could be a punishable offense.

But it wouldn't be Sen shouldering the burden. No. She didn't think her mother was that bland. Her siblings would pay the price, and Sen, stuck in another country, would be forced to watch it happen.

Something bleak and unidentifiable shot up her spine. Sen didn't want to leave the bathroom. She didn't want to see her mother. She didn't even really care about Greed Island.

She wanted to go home.




Her siblings' safety was on the line. So what if Sen was uncomfortable? All she had to do was put up with it for one night. She would be fine, she always was. Right? 


Sen tapped the inside of the bathroom door five times. 

So nothing bad will happen, she told herself. 

Sen held her breath as she left the bathroom, willing the nausea to go away. Like a stubborn stain, it did not.

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