Hello Grian [2]

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The two started walking, looking for the purple winged hermit.
They were talking quietly while searching for Grian, who seemed to be gone.

They went over to his teammates, to see if Grian was with them, but he was nowhere to be found.

A hidden smile started to grow, when the masked boy saw Grian, sitting alone near the water.
-There he is, let's go-

Grian had a great day, sure. But now he was thinking too much.
He was, almost, having a panic attack.

He composed himself,
but he was still unsure of what to do next.
He was doubting his own behavior, and was trying to scape the stares.

The people.

Yes, it had been fun, but he didn't want to risk all his past be revealed.
He wanted them to remember by themselves.
He wanted to cry.
And he was about to, but he didn't.

Dream and Techno spotted Grian.
They went closer, enough to see the concern in the other's eyes.
Techno and Dream looked at each other for a moment, both realized that something was bothering the smaller guy.
-Hi.. Grian-

He jumped at the sudden call, and looked up, seeing the pvp gods in front of him.
He quickly stood up, and gave them a smile.
Even though he was still uneasy, seeing them there made his stomach turn.
A flashback.. No.

They were there.
Maybe they remember?

Grian isn't fine [Greamno Au]Where stories live. Discover now