Different smiles [3]

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Grian gave them a small, involuntary smile, and waved at them.
He was cute, and Dream didn't let it slide.
He got caught up on his thoughts, thinking about how beautiful Grian's smile was, yet he wasn't sure what he was feeling.

Techno handled it better, starting a little conversation with him, loving the sound of his voice.
And then, he asked the question;
-Well, Grian, how are you?-

Both of them saw the sudden change. His smile grew wider, but seemed a little forced. Dream was a bit concerned.
And when he answered, his voice wasn't as lovely as it was before. He answered almost automatically, like a robot.
Programmed to say it.

-Oh, I'm doing fine!!-

The two then notices that his eyes shined otherwise. Something is wrong.
They didn't push it, because Grian was asking a question himself;

-Why are you here anyway? If you'd like to chat, maybe we could sit down somewhere- They made their way next to Grian, and the three sat near the water, where Grian was before.

The three started chatting, and soon, Dream and Techno changed to the subject they were there for:

They spoke at the same time
-You are very good at pvp!-
-You too are my hero, Gri!-

Grian was confused, and the two started to laugh. Well, Dream was wheezing.

Grian joined. Their laughs were contagious, and, when he calmed down, he smiled. His eyes agreeing this was truth.

He was truthfully happy.
He just smiles.

Grian isn't fine [Greamno Au]Where stories live. Discover now