A visit? [10]

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Dream and Techno woke up, but just..
Not in reality.

The strange place was actually pretty nice. A galaxy like sky, and a lovely garden.
A small building could be seen in the distance.
There were bees, and flowers, and butterflies.

There was a house in a tree, you could hear music coming from there.

Foxes running into the forest, and some wolves looking from the shadows.
Even though wolves normally are hostile, for some reason, everyone was peaceful here.

All the animals living in harmony.

They heard a purring, right behind them.
They turned around, and two cats looked at them.

Another purr, coming from the smaller and silver one.
The bigger one just looked at them with big eyes.

Dream wanted to touch them, and possibly let them. But Techno said that they needed to get going.

They needed to figure out what was going on.

The two started heading towards the tree house, that was closer, to try and figure out who was there, and why was there music.

They approached the flower fields, and started making their way through.
Always being careful.

When they finally arrived, the tree house looked nicer than what they witnessed before.

A swing hanged from a tree branch, and there was a ladder.

Techno went over it, and started climbing, encouraging Dream to follow him.

When the two were up there, they saw a rather large interior. There were pictures of them, and someone that always seemed blurry, hanging from the walls, a small balcony on the left, and a window with a telescope on the right.

There was a open book on the floor, facing down.

There was a desk, with an open pencil case, with a lot of drawing materials, and a sketchbook on the side.

There was a cup of coffee on the other side of the table, with a diary on the side, and on top of it was a photo.

A giant map hanged on that wall too, taking all the space.

There were a few flowers on there too. A single chair next to a bookcase.

The two started investigating, trying to figure out where the sound came from.
Later the found a phone under the single book on the floor.

There weren't many places where you could find a phone in minecraft. They were used mainly by admins, and strangely some players.

The song was beautiful. It was called "Jubilee line" by Wilbur

Soon, the song ended, changing to "Saline solution"

It was a calm atmosphere, yet something suddenly changed.
The air seemed more dense.

Dream and Techno immediately tensed up, froze on their places.

Someone else was in this dreamy place, and they didn't know why, but it felt as if this person was uninvited.

As If they were intruding on their minds.
Dream then connected the dots.

What If they were on someone's mind.

They didn't even realised that the music had stopped a while ago, and that all the animals seemed more anxious about something happening outside the tree house.

They heard whispers, that started to grow louder. They couldn't hear their own thoughts.

Only this voice, that was making fun of them. That was mad at them. That was telling at them.
That was killing them, with every single word it said.

Then someone yelled over the wind, though they couldn't make out who said it, they heard:


The voice grew quiet, and the atmosphere seemed to ease a bit, letting the two relax.

They didn't relax for long, because then they heard a cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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