Just chatting [4]

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Ren and Flase were talking. Some time during the conversation, they overheard someone looking for Grian. They started talking again, but the Grian topic was inevitable.
They decided they would separate and found him.

False went to the back of the MCC, while Ren searched near some games, asking people if they saw him.
Soon after, they met at the bridge, looking a little concerned about the purple (demonic) angel.
Just then, they heard laughing right next to them.

Three people sat at the edge of the water, talking and giggling and smiling.
They obviously recognized Grian, but they struggled a bit trying to identify the other two, and why were them with Grian?

They soon recognized Techno, one of the people that had won, and a pvp god. He was a pig hybrid, mostly human though, and had bright pink hair.

He was surprisingly happy, and for their surprise, instead of having both of his crowns on (his crown and the winning crown), he had let the other two take them.
This was new.

It took them a little bit longer to recognize the other. Dream, the other pvp god.
He was wearing his typical white mask, and his green sweater. He had a guitar attached to his back. It seemed like he was waiting for the perfect moment to bring it to the conversation, and use it.

They could tell he was smiling, as big as the smile in his mask, but they couldn't know for sure.

Grian was, unconsciously flapping his wings, something they knew he did when he was exited, or having fun.

They smiled at each other. False took it as the clue to leave him be, and have fun, but Ren didn't catch it. Instead, he whisper-shouted from the bridge
-Hey Gri!-

False almost facepalm. Ren was kinda stupid.
-What are you doing there?- he continue asking.
-...Just chatting- Grian said, and then, standing up, he stretched his wings.
Techno and Dream looked kinda disappointed at this, knowing he would probably leave now.

And he did.
-Anyway~ it's getting late, maybe we could go to Hermitcraft now, guys?- he says, looking at the hermits on the bridge.

-Aa.. sure!- Ren said, now realizing that he had killed their moment.
-Well.. then I guess we should go-

Grian flied to the bridge with them and started to walk away, just to hear someone yell at him;

-Grian! Wait!-

Grian isn't fine [Greamno Au]Where stories live. Discover now