Back to Hermitcraft [6]

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Grian just hoped someone- Anyone!- would remember the truth. But it was clear that they had done a good job.

He throw on a side smile and continue walking to the portal home.
False was left behind him, a little confused, but continued to think about what 'us' could refer to.

They soon were on Hermitcraft, and Grian flew off, directed towards Mumbo's base.
He needed his friend.

Techno and Dream were still on the MC Champion world, they had decided to take their time, and soon they were cuddling.

Dream looked around, watching if there was someone else close by, and when he saw nothing, he took his mask off.

Techno kissed his cheek and in a second, the two closed their eyes. They saw a foggy scene displaying on their heads.
And at the same time, they screamed.

They quickly stood up. Dream, ashamed puts his mask back on, while Techno was having an inner conversation with himself, looking down at the water, and thinking about what they witnessed.


He finally arrived to Mumbos base, the futuristic ruins coming into view, and a very busy Mumbo rushing to get a golden apple for his base.

Grian chuckled, and having golden apples in his ender chest, he thrown one at Mumbo.
A good way to help a friend, and gain their attention..

Mumbo looked up, and there stood the embodiment of chaos with angel wings: Grian
-You've thrown a golden apple at me?-
-..Your base, Mumbo...-
-Oh, you're right!-

They both laughed, and when they where trying to calm theirselves, a pesky bird chirped behind them, making them jump.

They laughed again.

The two started to chat, and they went inside Mumbos base for more comfort. Even if the building didn't have rooms yet, they went in anyways.

Mumbo looked at his friend. The mysterious yet friendly hermit had his hands in the long sweater sleeves, as if he was nervous.

Mumbo wanted him to say what was the problem. But Grian was trying very hard not to show he was gonna cry, that forgot why he was about to do so.
So when Mumbo asked if Grian was fine, he thought a second and then answered, whispering honestly.
Very quietly, that even in the silence of the Jungle, Mumbo struggled to hear it.

-I don't know-

Grian isn't fine [Greamno Au]Where stories live. Discover now