Remember 'us'? [5]

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Grian turned around and now was facing the other two.


Techno started talking, soon followed by Dream;
-Maybe we could hangout other day?-
-Yeah, today was fun, and I liked our little chat-

Grian smiled brightly, and False noticed that this was a weird smile.
He was blushing.
False came to the conclusion that this was love.
It was very obvious, she was surprised she hadn't noticed earlier.
Now she was questioning, for whom?

Who was the man that Grian was smiling to?
She thought for a minute..

Maybe both?
Then, something unlocked in her memories, and she was welcomed with a sudden flashback.

It gave her a headache, and she soon forgot what she saw..
It was like daydreaming..

Just that, it wasn't a dream.

Grian, Techno and Dream talked for a little longer, until Dream said:
-Maybe we should add you to the contact list, so we can stay communicated. I already have Techno..

Grian slightly panicked.
-Oh arr..  Sure!-
He didn't tell them his code, though. He asked them theirs.
Strange detail.
They took their communicators out without noticing that.

Then they said their goodbyes, and Grian reunited with the Hermits, that were watching still.

Ren went ahead, and started running towardsthe portal, his animal instincts kicking in.
Grian walked next to False. They were silent until he said

-So.. you.. remember 'us'?-
Grian was forming (happy) tears, and again, flapping his wings a little bit.
-Ermm.. What?-

Then False could see the disappointment in his eyes

Grian isn't fine [Greamno Au]Where stories live. Discover now