"Am I interrupting?"

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"Am I interrupting?"


Due to this, it was very easy for her to sneak back into headquarters exactly two days before the teens would return to Hogwarts.

After erasing all of the traces of her life in the past 13 years and the emotional act of visiting her childhood home she had packed Regulus' portrait into her charmed backpack and waited until it was night, before she returned.

Quietly, she snuck up the stairs to her room, wincing slightly when one of the floorboards creaked loudly.

Darleen sighed in relief when nothing happened and walked backwards into her room, making sure no one saw her before she closed the door.

With a sigh, she calmed herself down and turned around, only to come face to face with the Weasley twins who stared right back at her.

For a moment, there was absolute silence as they all observed each other, no one making the first move while they were all assessing the situation.

Just as Darleen opened her mouth to say something, the door opened again, and one Sirius Orion walked in, also backwards, not noticing them until he closed the door and turned around.

Now, the silence became even more awkward than before, and no one knew what to say or where to even begin.

"What the actual fuck are you guys doing in here?"
Darleen whispered and looked between the three males who were all still stunned that the fiery, hazel eyed witch had returned.

"Actually, we should be the ones to say that because you just left and now you're back and I can openly admit that that confused everyone's emotions!"
Sirius whispered back aggressively and the twins agreed quietly, hoping to prematurely deflect any potential suspicions of their presence here.


Besides, everyone, including them, had felt some sort of hurt over her sudden disappearing into the night, and however small that hurt may be, it was painful nonetheless.

"I may have left but I always planned to come back, I was just tying up some loose ends while you're here breaking into my room! I didn't break into your room! What are you all doing in here?!"
The brunette asked them irritatedly, unwilling to get into the exact reasons for her leaving at such a late hour.

"We just wanted to look for some cool, maybe, possibly, potentially, cursed objects we could use, and since Mum won't let us during the day, we came here at night. Please don't tell her, she'll make us clean even more."
One of the twins, Darleen couldn't tell which one, answered sheepishly while the other nodded along with every word, and they both gave her wide puppy-eyed looks. She sighed.

"Just get out, go to bed immediately, and your mother will never know of this."
She reassured them, and the two were quick to leave, though not without each giving her a high-five, not wanting to risk any more trouble tonight.

"Now, what are you doing here, love?"
She turned to look at the other adult who grinned slightly at the nickname he'd missed while she was gone. In fact, he'd missed everything about her, and he was incredibly glad to have her back. He wanted to hug her but pushed that thought aside; there was plenty of time to hug tomorrow. And even so, why would he feel the need to hug her at all when she was back with him now? He dared not think of it further, too afraid of what the answer might mean for him, especially in his situation.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄//Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now