"It's always the short, quiet ones you have to watch out for."

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"It's always the short, quiet ones you have to watch out for."

SIRIUS ORION BLACK, hated getting up early, yet he did it anyway, not being one to turn down a delicious breakfast from none other than Molly Weasley.

As opposed to Darleen, who was a surprisingly cheery, early bird, but at the same time, refused to eat a good and healthy breakfast and only drank her super hot, super self-heated coffee.

And so this very morning, they both woke up around 7, one moping and one smiling, and they both walked downstairs around half past 7, meeting each other at the stairs.

For a few seconds they both just quietly observed each other, drinking in the very attractive sights in front of them, before Sirius gave her a charming smile and greeted her with a heartfelt pet name.



She replied, giving the slightest roll of her hazel eyes and sent him a small smile at the same time.

"I think we ought to not call each other that in front of the others."

Darleen said and Sirius nodded in agreement before adding something which made Darleen scoff.

"At least not yet."

Together they descended from the staircase and walked into the kitchen, Sirius with a million galleon smile on his face while Darleen sported a perfectly trained Pokerface on hers, as the Weasleys, Tonks, Lupin and the Muggleborn kid looked at them curiously.

With a slight nod to the other people in the room Darleen took a mug out of a cabinet and sat down at the end of the table, next to Tonks who gave her a bright smile, which Darleen answered with a small smile of her own.

Sirius made sure to sit opposite her, next to his best friend Remus and winked slightly at her to which she gladly responded with a perfectly raised eyebrow as they stared at each other.

Neither of them cared that the rest of the table was watching the two of them with burning interest, before their staring contest was interrupted.

"Would you like to eat anything, dear?"

Molly asked her with a smile plastered onto her face, glancing worriedly at Darleens thin figure who softly shook her head.

"I don't really eat breakfast, Mrs. Weasley, so I'm gonna have to pass. But thank you for the offer."

"Oh, please, call me Molly!"
The Mother of Weasleys gushed, still smiling kindly at the hazel-eyed woman.

Darleens lips twitched upwards into a half-smile and she nodded slightly.

"I realised, I forgot to tell you my first name yesterday. It's Darleen."

This time, Darleen made sure to say her name clear and loud, not wanting another incident, as she cast a fleeting look at the last Black in front of her who smiled brightly.

"Are you sure? Cause I think that Dar-"

"Stop or I'll tie your tongue into a knot and give it to you for Christmas."

Darleen interrupted him before he could say the damned word in front of everyone and he laughed lightly.

"You can do that?"

One of the Weasley twins asked, their eyes gleaming mischievously at the thought of tying someone's tongue into a knot, both twins wondering if they could use that as one of the products for their joke shop.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄//Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now