"Sure thing, Love."

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"Sure thing, Love."

DARLEEN VERONICA KHANNA had yet to communicate with any other Order Member other than Dumbledore himself.

The white-haired man with the silver beard had left soon after she agreed to join the Order of the Phoenix, but not before telling her that the Mad-Eye Moody of their group was actually the surprisingly innocent, supposed mass murderer Sirius Orion Black, who was supposed to help her control her...abilities.

After that Dumbledore told her of the whereabouts of the Headquartes of the Order, and apparated her there while the others followed, only to leave her to explain who she was and what exactly made her so different from others.

Which is what she was doing now.

Well, it wasn't really much of an introduction.

She didn't even tell them her first name.

She just bombarded them with facts.

Darleen stared at the few Order members that were in the kitchen with her right now.

Molly and Arthur Weasley, their oldest son Bill, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks and Severus Snape.

She narrowed her eyes at them, stood up, and spoke in a rather cold voice.

"Yes, I am a Khanna, shocker, obviously. I was born with the ability to control the elements but due to my family being murdered when I was 16, I never really learned how to control my powers and chose to hide from the world instead. The only element I can somewhat handle is fire. My powers affect my eyes, and when I get too angry they change color, which means I'm losing the very little control I have. If that happens, you'd do best to stay out of my way, for everyone's safety. I know who you are, so don't bother introducing yourselves."

The Weasleys, Tonks, Lupin and Sirius seemed a bit surprised at how rude and cold she was towards them, but Severus didn't pay her rudeness any attention, seeing as Dumbledore had warned them all, saying the woman might need a few days to warm up to them and loosen up a bit.

Darleen didn't seem to care, as she turned around and left the kitchen, seeing the Weasley offsprings and the Muggleborn girl, Hermonia or something, who were all listening in behind the door and looked at her with wide eyes and curiosity.

Disregarding the eavesdropping kids Darleen proceeded to go up to her new room, that once belonged to a young man named Regulus Arcturus Black, whom she knew very well and missed dearly.

She remembered him from their time in Hogwarts.

He was four years older than her, but she remembered how the prefect always seemed to have a soft spot for the little Slytherin girl with the hazel eyes and the bright smile without any friends, protecting and teaching her whenever he could, even helping her with her fire element.

Until he left school and died, that is.

Surprisingly enough, when she went to his funeral, there were very few people besides his family, his brother not included, and it later turned out that he had left her multiple things.

He left her a letter that she's been reading every single birthday and deathday of his, to honor him.

He left her the first snitch he ever caught, and he had enchanted it so whenever she touched it, it would glow a soft green colour, and she could hear his familiar laugh mixing with her own from their time at school.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄//Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now