"But-but what about Ron?"

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"But———but what about Ron?"

DARLEEN VERONICA KHANNA was sitting on a green armchair in the living room of the Black family home, opposite the Weasley children and Hermione, who sat on two green and black sofas and pretty much next to Sirius, who had his very own black armchair; all of them staring at her, waiting for her to demonstrate her fire powers.

Silently she looked back at them, until Ron finally asked her with a raised eyebrow;
"Are you gonna do anything?"

"Right, I forgot about that part."

Darleen blinked innocently and smiled brightly at the group as they all groaned at her, which amused her greatly.

She looked down at her right hand before stretching her arm out into their direction, looking back up again to watch their reactions.

At first nothing happened, but suddenly a small flame appeared in her hand and they all stared at her, mesmerized looks on their faces as they watched the flame flicker on her hand without actually burning the flesh.

At first nothing happened, but suddenly a small flame appeared in her hand and they all stared at her, mesmerized looks on their faces as they watched the flame flicker on her hand without actually burning the flesh

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Once the fire spread over her whole arm they were absolutely astonished, as she didn't seem to feel any pain whatsoever and no wounds were created even though her arm was on fire.

Once the fire spread over her whole arm they were absolutely astonished, as she didn't seem to feel any pain whatsoever and no wounds were created even though her arm was on fire

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"This is so cool. I wish you'd go to school with us. I wish you were our DADA Teacher! Can't Dumbledore give you the job, at least for this year?"

Ginny asked her hopefully, making Hermione and Ginny's siblings look at the hazel-eyed woman with big puppy eyes but Darleen grinned at them before shaking her head, grimacing at the thought of being perched up all year with loads and loads of students and other teachers, talking about boring school stuff and supplies which she had burned once she graduated, just like Reg had done before her.

"I'm not good at teaching. Which is why this friendly neighborhood guy, has to help me train my powers, which is pretty much earth and water, since air is really more intertwined with my magic because of certain spells, making it easier to control, but not nearly as easy as fire, oh, and lightning stuff, which is pretty much just electricity, needs training as well."

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄//Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now