"You're leaving already?"

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"You're leaving already?"

DARLEEN VERONICA KHANNA was calmly sipping her coffee, sitting opposite an old friend of her mothers, Arabella Figg, to catch up while they talked about this and that.

It had been several weeks since Darleen joined the order. By now, everyone was used to her and Sirius' weird relationship and her bold personality as well as her just as bold usage of her powers.

"I'd never seen a dog before, just crups, but this one was soooo pretty. I almost got one myself. It's called Hussy. I think? I don't know."

Darleen told Arabella about her first meeting with a muggle dog, a Husky that belonged to a past boyfriend named Michael who she dated for two years.

"I think you mean Husky, dear."
The older woman chuckled and Darleen smiled softly at her.

"Right. Husky."

She corrected as they shared a soft smile and sat in a comfortable silence for a while.

Suddenly they both felt an immense wave of cold and sadness wash over them and they froze in confusion until Darleen gasped and jumped up as she saw a bit of frost on the windows and realised what was going on.


She told Arabella in an alarmed voice and both women hurried outside, thinking of the same person.

Harry James Potter.

Panic flooded through Darleen and she cursed quietly as she heard an unfamiliar voice yell EXPECTO PATRONUM.

Growling slightly, she sped up and ran around the corner, Arabella right behind her, as a tense black-haired, green-eyed boy, undoubtedly Harry, with a raised wand in his hand came into view, tensing even more at their sight; another black-haired, chubby boy, Dudley, she presumed, curled up at Harry's feet.

Quickly he tried to hide his wand, clearly thinking Arabella was a muggle as well as Darleen.

"No, you dumbass! What if it comes back? And where the fuck is Dung?!"
Darleen snapped at him, and the boy stared at her, wide-eyed and confused.

"Oh, I'm going to kill Mundungus Fletcher!"
Arabella shrieked behind her and Harry looked even more confused.

He asked blankly as he stared at them, his cousin still curled up on the floor next to him while Darleen relaxed slightly, the dementors long gone by now.

"He left! Left to see someone about a batch of cauldrons that fell off the back of a broom! I told him I'd flay him alive if he left! And now look! Dementors! It's just lucky Darleen came to visit me! Oh, that foul—"

"Arabella, relax. We don't have the time to stand around. We've got to get Harry back home first."
Darleen interrupted the older woman's heated ranting while patting her shoulder in a calming manner before looking at Harry and introducing herself with a big smile plastered onto her face.

"Hi, I'm Darleen Veronica Khanna, the best person there is. I'm sure its pleasurable to meet me."

He blinked at her and gave a slight wave before looking at Arabella who was about to start another rant.

"But he—"
Arabella sighed as she saw the stern look Darleen threw her and closed her mouth again while Harry gaped at the older woman.

"You—you're a witch?"
He asked, obviously shell-shocked.

"I'm a squib."
She sighed and eyed the whimpering Dudley with concern.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄//Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now