Promise? Promise.

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Peter anxiously paced across the hospital waiting room. The four-sentence mantra he made up was the only thing keeping him from a panic attack.

"May's not dead. Her arm's just broken. She's in surgery. Breathe Peter." The vibration from his phone interrupted the repeating thought.

hey p
sry for lashing out during lunch


you use emojis when something's wrong

May fell. I'm at the hospital waiting for her to get out of surgery now.

i contacted ned and flash
we're coming
u don't need to be alone rn

Thank you. I'm at the one down the street from my apartment.

k. see u soon

He put his phone away. He started to repeat his mantra again.

"May's not dead. Her arm's just broken. She's in surgery. Breathe Peter."

He repeated this phrase in his mind for the next hour.

Someone was calling his name. Mr. Stark was standing in front of him.

"Mr. Stark? You didn't have to come."

"I wouldn't dare let you be by yourself in the hospital."

Before Peter could say anything, the doctor walked up to them. He informed them that Aunt May's surgery went well and led them to her room. Tony stood at the door while Peter walked in.

It was overwhelming to see Aunt May hooked up to many different devices. The constant beeping of the heart monitor gave him more anxiety. Her arm had a cast up to her armpit. She smiled as he walked in.

"There's no time to be anxious. Just breathe."

"H-hey May. How are you feeling?" Peter asked.

"I'm feeling fine right now because of the pain meds. As soon as they wear off, the pain will kick in," she chuckled exhaustedly.

"What happened?"

  "I must've spilled vegetable oil on the floor because I slipped and tried to catch my fall. As you can see, it didn't work," she said.

"Dang, you've got to be more careful."

"Trust me, I will. The doctor is keeping me here for a couple of days to monitor my heart. Can he stay with you Tony?" she asked looking at him.

"Of course. His friends can come too," Tony said as he walked into the room.

  "Thank you so much."

"Thanks Mr. Stark."

"Anytime kid, you're always welcome at my home, " Tony said as he left the room to give May and Peter privacy.

Aunt May looked exhausted. Peter sat down on the chair next to her. Maybe things were looking up after all. He was excited to stay at Avengers Tower with his friends again. He pulled out his phone to text the group chat.

The Four Musketeers

Pack your bags guys, Mr. Stark is letting y'all stay with me at Stark Tower until Aunt May gets better.

Kylo's Husband
And sorry about May btw❤️

Barry Allen⚡️

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