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It had been a few weeks since the incident and after all of the therapy sessions and medication that Bruce put him on, he still wanted to die. The only thing keeping him afloat was his boyfriend, Wanda, Tony, Ned, and MJ.

Everyone was aware of Peter's mental state and they were very worried about him. They decided to all take shifts to be with him 24/7 because he was still really unstable.

"Peter? Peter!" MJ yelled. He said he was going to the restroom but he had been in there for a while and she was getting worried.

"Hmmm?" Peter replied.

"Are you done yet? You've been in there for awhile."

MJ heard the sink turn on and the door opened. Peter looked like he'd been crying.

"What's wrong?" MJ asked with a worried look on her face.

"You know what's wrong. I tell you this every time I have a breakdown. I don't wanna be here anymore. I feel like shit." Peter responded with tears starting to roll down his face.

"I'm sorry dude. I hate seeing you like this," she said pulling him in for a hug

"I just want to feel ok again," He said shakily.

"I know you do," she replied pausing for a second.

"Pete?" MJ said pulling out of the hug.


"You know I've had my fair share of mental health issues. I know you said you'd never smoke but I think weed would be good for you. It would definitely help you relax. If you get high enough, you don't feel anything. I used to feel like you too but then I started smoking and look how I am now?"

"High all the time and suicidal?" Peter responded with a playful smile.

MJ lightly punched him. "Yeah, but it makes it way easier to deal with." She said.


"Really. Trust me. I'd never lead you in the wrong direction," She said.

"You know what? Fuck it. I'll do it. I'm tired of feeling this way. I just want my life back," he said.

"Welcome to the dark side young grasshopper," MJ said with a spooky voice.


"Dang, you guys should've suggested I smoke weed earlier. Would've solved all my issues." Peter said to MJ and Ned.

They were on the top of Peter's favorite building. "We did dumbass. You always refused." Ned said.

"True," Peter said.

They all started laughing like Ned had just made the funniest joke in the universe.

"Told youuuuu," MJ sang.

"Peter? Why are you rubbing my arm?" Ned asked.

"It's so softtt. It feels like a baby's bottommmm."

"Weirdo," said Ned.

"I feel so fuckin good guysss. I'm floatingggg," Peter said as he got dangerously walking backwards toward the edge of the building.

"Dude! You almost fell of the building," Ned said pulling him back.

"We're definitely smoking on the ground next time," said MJ


Peter was sitting in his room shaking his leg up and down. He needed to smoke so bad. His unwanted emotions started coming back.

"Peter?" Bruce called. They were supposed to be in a therapy session but Peter was acting strange and zoning out.

"You seem anxious. What are you anxious about?" Bruce asked.

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