You're not yourself right now

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Later that day, Peter was face-up in his bed staring at the ceiling with tears slowly falling from his eyes. It was still hard to grasp that the only family he had left was gone. There was nothing more to the crying, just pure grief. He smiled softly as he remembered a comforting conversation he had with May.

It was a bright and sunny day outside and Peter and Aunt May were having their weekly afternoon picnic in Central Park. There were no clouds in the sky and they were eating Peter's favorite sandwich from their local bodega:
"Homecoming's coming up," May said.

"So?" Peter replied looking confused.

"Are you going to ask someone to go with you?"

Peter shook his head.

"Why not?"

"Because... I'm not sure if they're into me and it would be so embarrassing if they rejected me."

"Aw honey. Who wouldn't want to go out with the most handsome person in school?"

"Mayy, only you think I'm handsome . There are really good looking people at school and I promise I'm not one of them."

"Yes you are!... So... who's this person you're scared to ask out?" May asked.

Peter knew he was gay his whole life and that May was accepting but it still gave him anxiety to tell her.

"Uhhh... no one really"

May knowingly tilted her head. "I think I know who it is"

"No you don't," Peter replied.

"Yes I do... It's Flash, isn't it?

Peter blushed and looked away. "N-n-no, w-why do you think that?

"I see the way you look at him and the way you melt under his touch. It's so obvious kid."

They sat in silence for a couple of seconds.

"Peter?" May said softly.

"Yeah?" he answered looking up at her.

"It's ok if you like Flash."


"Really." May responded as she pulled him into a hug.
Peter sat up and wiped the tears from his face and started thinking:

Why did the world have to take such a kind soul away? Why couldn't the bad people die instead?

He let those thoughts spiral down until he started to feel anger. Anger at the doctors in the hospital for not saving May. Anger at God for taking away his last family member. And most of all angry at himself for not being there for May when he should have.

After all, it was all his fault right? If he could've just kept it together at school, then the nurse wouldn't have called May to pick him up in the first place and she never would've fallen and broken her arm.

He started pacing around his room trying to calm down.

*Knock knock*

"Hey Babe, it's me. Can I come in?"


The door opened and Flash walked in. He looked extremely distressed. "Pete, I've had the worst fucking day. I overslept and missed my ACTs, lost one of my AirPods, had a panic attack. and my card declined at the store."

Peter scoffed bitterly. The audacity for him to mention his minor issues. That's nothing compared to what Peter was going through right?

"What did you do that for?" Flash asked looking confused.

"That's nothing compared to what I'm going through. My entire family is dead and you're over here complaining about nothing."

Flash was taken aback. He had never acted like this before. "That's not fair. I-"

Peter interrupted. "You know what's not fair? Not having a mom and dad while growing up. My aunt dropping everything to take care of me instead of pursuing her dreams and now she'll never get to because she's dead!"

"I know how hard your life has been, but that doesn't mean you get to be inconsiderate and selfish."

Flash started thinking and began to get frustrated too. "While we're at it, you really want to talk about what's not fair? Ned, MJ, and I dropping everything to help you over these past six months while dealing with our own issues. Listening to you for hours on end because you needed to talk and you never asking how we were. The least you can do is listen to and support me for once."

Peter clenched his teeth and started shaking. "That's your fault. I didn't ask for you all to do all of that for me so stop acting like I'm the bad guy."

"I never said that!" Flash responded. He stopped for a second and let out a deep breath. "You're not yourself right now. You're taking your anger out on me which is not ok. Do you need to go talk to Bruce?"

"I'm fine ok!?"

Flash moved closer and put his hand on his shoulder. Peter flinched and shoved him away hard. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

This made him want to push back but he knew it would only escalate things. "I-I'm going to leave before I say or do something I regret. Looks like you've already done that," He gave him one last look and left.

Peter slowly began to realize what he just did. *BOOM* Without thinking, he punched a hole in the wall. "FUCK!"

Hey everyone!
I hope you liked this chapter. I decided it was time for some angst. I hope you all are doing well.

This story is going to be ending soon and I will be making a one-shot book. Feel free to leave any suggestions for things you want to see in the one shot book.

Have a great day!

Until next time,


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