Depressed weirdos

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Hearing the loud noise, Tony ran upstairs into his room. He saw the hole in the wall, looked at Peter's flushed face, and immediately knew what was going on.

"Kid, I know you're hurting right now but punching the wall isn't going to make you feel any better" Tony said calmly. They went and sat on the couch in his room.

"I know how you're feeling Pete. When I lost my parents, I was mad at the world too. I pushed away and lashed out at everyone to the point where I was not myself. I don't want you to make the same mistakes as me ok?"

Peter nodded.

"Your boyfriend and your friends love and care about you so much and I know you don't want to lose them. Being in the darkness of grief can make it hard to focus
on anything else, trust me I know. Sometimes it's good to step out of yourself and help others around you. Make sure to check on your friends because they have stuff going on too. I made the mistake of not doing that and the others resented me for awhile."

They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes.

Peter looked up at him. "Thanks dad. You always know what to say to calm me down. Sorry for breaking the wall."

Tony looked him in the eyes and put his hand on his shoulder. "It's ok kid. Walls can be fixed. I think some other people would benefit from hearing you apologize."

"You're right," the teen agreed.
Peter stood nervously at Flash's front door. He rang the doorbell.

The door opened and Flash stood there with a blank face.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... I came here to apologize. I'm sorry for being selfish and lashing out at you."

Flash blinked and stood there for several beats.

"P-pete?" Flash said timidly.

"Yeah?" the spiderteen replied.


"I think we need to take a break from our relationship. We're both going through tough times mentally and I don't want us to end up seriously fighting."

Peter started blinking back tears.

"I don't know if you've noticed but I also have been starting to struggle really bad with my mental health too Pete."

"Really?" Peter asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah. I... I've just been hiding it from you because I knew you were going through a hard time."

Peter felt tears start to fall down his cheeks. He did not realize he had become too oblivious to his own boyfriend's struggles.

"We've all been feeling that way Peter." said a familiar voice.

Flash opened his door wider to reveal Ned and MJ standing there with sad looks on their faces.

"We're all just teenagers you know?" MJ said.

"We should not have dropped everything to help you but we love you so much and we couldnt help it."

"You're fucking family loser. You're stuck with us whether you like it or not," MJ said.

"H-how come you all were here w-without me?" Peter asked in a shy tone.

"We come to Flash's a lot actually. Ever since May died we come here and just relax after we leave hanging out with you." Ned replied.

"We've been dealing with our own issues too but every time we try to bring them up to you, you shut us down. We come here to talk about our issues."

"I've been having more panic attacks than usual," Flash said.

"I'm currently in rehab during the day for relapsing on drugs Pete," MJ said.

"I-," Ned got choked up.

"I, just found out that I have an eating disorder Peter, binge eating is what they call it," Ned said quietly.

Peter looked at his friends and didn't like what we saw. Each of his friends has horrible bags under their eyes and looked just, depressed.

"Guys, I- I'm so sorry for not asking how you all were doing over the past six months. I was too busy looking at myself that I was not looking and you all and how you all were doing."

"I guess we're all just a bunch of depressed weirdos huh?" MJ said while lighting up a blunt.

"Yeah," they all said at the same time.

They all sat down on the steps of Ned's townhouse and passed around the blunt.

They sat there in a long silence.


After Ned and MJ left, Flash and Peter were cuddling in Flash's bed listening to music

"Baby?" Flash asked.

Peter's heart warmed at hearing the pet name his boyfriend made up for him.


"I think we shouldn't take a break."



And they laid there until the sun came up.




I'm back after more than a year! It's so good to be back home with yall! I love yall so much! I had to take a much needed break after I struggled immensely with my own mental health. It is good to be back!

How have yall been?

Until next time,

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