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"Help! I'm under here! I'm going to die!" He yelled as the concrete from the building kept falling.

"You deserve to die." A voice said. Peter turned his head, saw Aunt May standing above him, and he started to cry.

"Please don't say that! I miss you so much May!" he said while sobbing.

"It's your fault I'm dead."

"N-n-no that's not true, it was a heart attack-"

"You were such a burden to me and you stressed me out all the time. Why do you think I had the heart attack?" May sneered.

A man and a women walked from behind her.

"Mom? Dad?" Peter asked.

"It's your fault we're dead." They both said.

"No, it's not!" Peter yelled.

Aunt May joined in with his parents.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" they all repeated coming closer and closer to his face.


"No!" Peter yelled waking up in a cold sweat.

He got out his bed shaking and silently moved onto the floor because he didn't want to wake up Flash who was sound asleep on the bed.

Everyone in the house was out of town for a mission so Bruce had Flash come stay with Peter.

"I'm ok. It was just a dream" Peter thought in his head. He sat on his bedroom floor and tried to get through the panic attack alone but the hyperventilating woke up Flash.

"Baby? Are you ok?" Flash asked with a yawn. There was no reply but he heard heavy breathing coming from the ground. "Oh shit, he's having another panic attack." Flash thought to himself.

He got out of bed, turned on the lamp and saw Peter on the ground struggling and digging his nails into his thigh.

"Baby, please stop digging your nails into your thigh.  I know you don't like to be touched during these but I'm gonna have to stop you from hurting yourself if you don't." Flash said calmly.

"Baby?... please?"

He didn't stop so Flash sat on the floor behind him and gently grabbed Peter's hands, stopping him from scratching his thigh more.

"Breathe with me Pete ok? In... out... in... out." The breathing exercises didn't work and he started hyperventilating harder. Flash got worried.

"Baby listen to me... we've got to slow down your breathing or you're going to pass out-"

Interrupting what Flash was saying, Peter passed out on him.

"Fuck." Flash said. He pulled his phone out his pocket and called Bruce.

"Hey Flash, everything ok?" Bruce asked.

"No, Peter had a really bad panic attack and passed out again. What do I do?"

"Where is he now?" Bruce asked.

"Out cold laying on me."

"He should be waking up soon so just put him back in bed and get him some water."

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