Panic + game night= ?

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It was 6:00 A.M. and Peter had been awake all night for no reason. He got out of bed and stepped in the shower. Today felt weird, and he had no idea why. The cold water hit his face, and he quickly remembered: it had been one month since May died. That's why everyone seemed like they were walking around eggshells around him last night.

The panic started creeping up, so he got out of the shower, dried off, and put on some clothes.

The irrational thoughts came back:
"It's my fault they're all gone. Uncle Ben, May, and my parents. I'm alone, and it's because of me. They all died doing something for me. I shouldn't be here anymore. Maybe I'll see them again if I kill myself, then I could apologize to them. Mr. Stark and my friends will be fine."

"Mr. Stark?!"He called, starting to hyperventilate, holding his knees to his chest on the floor.

"Mr. Stark!!!"

Tony came barreling up the stairs and rushed over to him.

"Pete? Look at me ok? I'm here now. Breathe..."

"She's... gone... my... fault," Peter gasped.

"It's not your fault kid," Tony replied, holding him.

That phrase triggered a flashback to the night Peter's parents died:

"It's not your fault kid," May said holding Peter.
"Yes it is! They were on their way back from the mall, getting Christmas presents for me! The semi-truck never would've hit them if I wasn't here," he replied. "I wish that truck hit me instead!" He said, violently scratching his already bloody thigh.

"Yes it is Mr. Stark! I should have stayed home because I had a PTSD episode that day. She would have never had to pick me up. I caused her heart attack Mr. Stark! I stressed her out too much and it's my fault she's gone!"Peter yelled. He started to vigorously claw his forearm.

"No no no. Don't hurt yourself.," Tony said while gently restraining him. Peter tried to get out of his embrace for a bit but eventually, he gave up, crying into Tony's chest.
Later that day, Peter was over at Mj's house with Flash and Ned. Hanging out with his best friends always made him feel better.

"Uno!" Ned shouted. "I really am about to win this game for the first time in forever."

MJ smiled because she knew what she was going to do. She slapped a card on the table.

"Dang it MJ!" Ned said.

"Draw four losers," she replied.

"Dang bro, you really jinxed yourself," Peter said while laughing. He looked over at Flash. He wasn't paying attention and looked conflicted. Ned and MJ noticed too.

"Yo Flash, you good fam?" MJ asked. He was still zoned out.

"Dude? Ned asked, nudging him. Flash snapped out of it and realized everyone was looking at him.

"Sorry, I zoned out for a second," he replied.

"Guys? I... um...need to talk to you all about something," Flash said nervously.

"Yeah, of course," MJ replied.

Ned and Peter looked at him expectedly.
Flash looked away and took a deep breath.

"Remember when I dumped my girlfriend out of nowhere on homecoming ?"

They all nodded.

"Well... it was because... I...I'm..."

Flash stopped to wipe his hands on his pants. Beads of sweat were accumulating on his face.

"Flash? Are you ok? You know you can tell us anything right?"Peter asked.

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