Coping Mechanisms

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Peter was in bed watching Law and Order: SVU reruns.

Tony sat on the chair next to his bed. He was worried about the kid. He hadn't gotten out of bed for a couple of weeks and he barely ate. There was a massive pile of undone schoolwork on Peter's desk. He wanted to spend time with him but he also wanted to lightly encourage him to do some school work because he had been gone for almost a month. The episode ended and he decided it was the perfect time to  address it.

"Good episode as always." Tony said.


"What are you about to do?"

"I don't know, probably take a nap."

"What about starting some school? Just one subject only for thirty minutes."

"Tony probably thinks I'm a lazy piece of shit for not doing my work. I'm so lazy," Peter thought.

He knew he had work to do but he couldn't mentally or physically do it. He had no motivation and it felt weird to him. He usually had motivation to do his work and his class rank was 15 out of 500. The thought of doing school made him tired but he knew he needed to do it. Tony and Bruce would be happy.

"Ok, I'll do some English. Thanks for reminding me."

"That's good kid. I'm proud of you."

Peter opened his laptop and went to the student portal for English. His breath quickened as he read the 100+ assignments that needed to be completed. If this was the amount of subjects for one assignment then how could he complete everything else?

Tony noticed Peter starting to get nervous so he did what Bruce suggested. He went to the kitchen that was in Peter's room and put ice into a bowl.

"Here Pete, put your hands in this ice," Tony said while handing him the bowl.

Peter put his hands in the ice and was able to prevent a panic attack.

"Thanks dad- oops I mean Tony."

"The kid just called me dad. This is all I ever wanted," Tony thought to himself while visibly smiling.

"It's ok... you can call me dad if you want"

"Ok then, I will... dad," Peter replied with a grin.

Maybe things were starting to look up after all.



Ok so first of all I am sorry for taking this long to update. I am a senior in high school school and it was a busy couple of weeks. Also this is a filler chapter I know. I figured Peter deserved to have a cute spiderdad moment. I hope y'all enjoyed it. I will update more chapters this weekend. Thank you for being patient. I love y'all.


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