Part 8- part two of keeping dipper away from bill

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-Sorry I have not posted in a while. The picture does not belong to me I don't know who it belongs to-
Mabel's perspective-
Mabel is dragging dipper behind her in the hall. "Mabel what are you doing" dipper asks as he is being draged by Mabel. "Nothing I am just excited to get back to the shack" Mabel's says frantically looking behind her seeing bill walking towards them angrily. Dipper looks behind him to see Bill walking towards them angrily. "What did you do" dipper asks. "Nothing let's just go" Mabel says starting to move quicker. "Shooting star" bill yells while walking towards them. Mabel let's go of dipper "run" Mabel says. Dipper stops and looks between bill and Mabel.
Dipper's perspective-
Dipper stand in the middle of the hall people looking at him. (What is going between Mabel and Bill) Dipper thought. "Dipper He is coming let's go" Mabel says. Dipper looks at Mabel and walks towards the door of the school. "Pinetree" Bill says getting closer to them. Dipper turned around and looks at bill and smiles at him. Then turns and walks out of the school with Mabel behind him. "Ok now tell me what is going on" Dipper says. "Nothing just said something that upset bill" Mabel says lying to dipper. "Ok can I just try to calm him down" dipper asks. "No it is ok let's just go he will calm down later" Mabel says walking the direction that the shack is in. "Come on dipper let's go back to the shack" Mabel says. Just as Bill walks out of the school. "Shooting star" Bill says angrily. "Bill" dipper says looking at bill. Bill looks at dipper "you need to calm down" dipper says. "No me and Mabel need to talk" Bill says angrily. "Fine Dipper you can go back to the shack with out me" Mabel says. "No I can wait for you" Dipper says. "Ok I will be back Mabel says following bill.
Bills perspective-
Bill walks to the side of the school Mabel following him. "Shooting star i know you are trying to protect pinetree but I am not trying to hurt him" Bill says angrily. Mabel looks at bill shocked "if you say so I will give you a chance but if you hurt Dipper you are going to regret it got it" Mabel says looking bill in the eyes with a serious look on her face. "Yeah yeah I won't hurt pinetree you should probably get back to pinetree" Bill says walking away.
Dipper's perspective-
Dipper is waiting for Mabel when bill walks up to dipper. "Hi pinetree" Bills says Bill is no longer angry. "Hi bill is everything ok" dipper asks. "Yeah everything is fine" bill says smiling. "Ok" dipper says dipper sees Mabel coming. "Well I will see you later" dipper says Mabel walks past dipper and dipper follows her. "Bye Bill" dipper says "bye pinetree" Bill says. Dipper catches up to Mabel "Mabel are you ok" Dipper asks. "Yeah I just need some time to think" Mabel says. "is something bothering you" dipper asks. "Yeah but I don't want to talk about it" Mabel says. "Ok I understand if you want to talk I am here for you" Dipper says.
-time skip-
Mabel and dipper walk in to the shack. "Hey kids how was school" Stan asked. "It was ok I guess" dipper says looking at the ground. "Did something happen" Ford asked as he walked into the room. "Yeah lots of things that I don't feel like talking about but if Mabel wants to tell she can she hade something to do with it" Dipper says walking to his room. "Ok Mabel do you want to talk about what happens" Stan asked. "Not right now maybe later" Mabel says walking to her room. "Do you know what happens" Ford asked "Not a even a little" Stan says.
Mabel's perspective-
Mabel is laying on her bed "so bill likes dipper" Mabel whispered. (Does Dipper like him back) Mabel thinks. Mabel looks towards her door l (I could go ask him) Mabel thinks. Mabel get out of bed and walks towards the door and opens it. "Hey kid you ready to tell us what's going on" Stan asks. "No I am going to talk to Dipper" Mabel's says walking to dippers room and knocking on the door. "Come in" dipper says. Mabel walks in "hey bro bro I have a question" Mabel says. Dipper is laying on his bed reading one of the journal. Dipper puts the journal done. "Yeah What is it" Dipper asks. Mabel shuts the door walks over and sits on the end of dippers bed. "Do you have a crush in Bill" Mabel asks. "Do you promise not get mad or tell anyone" Dipper asks. "Yeah I promise" Mabel says look at dipper. Dipper looks away "I do have a crush on Bill" dipper says still looking away. Mabel was kind of shocked "ok I am not mad and I won't tell anyone" Mabel says. "I ship it" Mabel says looking at dipper seeing him blush. "So does that mean you're ok with it" Dipper asks. "Yeah i will give Bill a Chance" Mabel says this makes dipper happy dipper hugs Mabel. "But if he hurts you he'll regret it" Mabel says. Dipper starts laughing and falls off his bed. Stan and Ford open the door and walk in worried. "Is everything ok in here kids" Stan asks. They look at dipper who is sitting on the ground laughing and then at Mabel who is laying on
dippers bed laughing. "What happened in here" Ford asked no longer worried seeing Mabel and dipper laughing. "Dipper started to laugh and he laughed so hard that he fell off the bed" Mabel says while laughing. "Makes sense" ford says then walks away. "What are you laughing about" Stan asks. Mabel stopes laughing "can I tell him" Mabel asks. "No" dipper says looking worried. "Tell me what" Stan asks "dipper has a crush on a guy" Mabel says "MABEL" dipper yells "who is it" Stan says with a smirk. "A boy at our school" Mabel says. "What's his name kid" Stan asks. "I think it is best she doesn't not tell you you're not going to like it" Dipper says. "It is Bill" Mabel says ford heard Bills name and walks into the room Stan was shocked "what about Bill" ford says "dipper has a crush on Bill Mabel says". "Ok I am fine with it" ford says then walks out. "I am also ok with it but if he hurts just tell me or ford and we will deal with him" Stan say then walks away.
-The reason they don't remember that dipper has a crush on Bill is because something went wrong with an experiment Ford was doing the night dipper was staying at Bills house that made them forget about it.-
That is all sorry it took me so long to post I have been busy. I will try to post mor often Hope you enjoyed this part. Sorry if it is confusing. I do have a plan for the next part but if you have any ideas I am willing to take them. Word count 1214.

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