Part 1- A day at school

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-before we get to the story this means "" talking, this means ** doing things, this means () thinking, this means -- I am saying something. none of these pictures belong to me lets get to the story,-

dippers perspective-

Dipper is sleeping in bed when Mabel come in and jumps on his bed. " wake up bro bro we have to go to school" Mabel says giggling and getting off of Dippers bed. Mabel is wearing this.

"ok ok Mabel get out so I can changed please" Dipper says laughing

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"ok ok Mabel get out so I can changed please" Dipper says laughing. "ok see down stairs bro bro" Mabel says before running out of Dippers room and down stairs. Dipper gets out bed and gets dressed dipper is wearing.

Dipper leaves his room and goes down stairs to see Mabel standing by the door jumping up and down

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Dipper leaves his room and goes down stairs to see Mabel standing by the door jumping up and down. " wow you are sure exited to go to school Mabel" dipper says laughing. "yeah I get to see my friends lets go" Mabel says leaving the shack. - I am lazy so when they get to school.- Dipper and Mabel walk into the school Mabel walks over to her friends and start to talk to them. Dipper sees Will and walks up to him. "hi Will How are you today" Dipper says smiling brightly. "good oh no here comes Bill and hid friends" Will says as Dipper stands in front of Will to protect him. bill walks up to Dipper and Will "he nerds awww pinetree is trying to protect the cry baby" Bill says as him as him and friends laugh dipper starts to get angry. "awww is pinetree getting made how cute" Bill says looking Dipper straight in the eye. "lets go Will they are not worth our time" Dipper says as Dipper and Will walk away bill gets angry.

Bills perspective-

(why does will get everything he wants I want pinetree Will does not deserve pinetree I do) bill thinks as walks to the bathroom and goes into one of the stalls. "bill you ok in there you looked kind of angry when you walked in here what made you so angry. Eric says while standing out side the stall. Bill gets out of the stall and walks to the bathroom sinks and sits on the counter. "ok I will tell you when pinetree said that we were not worth his time it hurt my feelings" Bill says liking away from Eric. "can you tell me why Bill" Eric says sitting by Bill on the bathroom counter. Bill sighs "fine I will tell you" bill says just as Will walks into the bathroom. "oh sorry I will leave it looks like you were talking" Will says about walk out of the bathroom. " wait Will can I ask you something" Bill says looking At the wall. "sure what is it" Will says walking over to stand in front of Bill. "do you have a crush on pinetree" bill says not taking his eyes of the wall. Will laughs "no he is my best friend nothing more why do you ask" Will says looking at Bill, "because I am in love with pinetree" Bill whispers but Will hears him. Will smiles brightly "really I can ask Dipper how he feels about you if you want" Will says. Bill looks at Will " can you please ask him for me" Bill says looking at Will. "yeah sure I have to go now bye " will says as he walks out of the bathroom.

Dippers perspective-

it is lunch time and Dipper and Will are eating lunch in the field. "hey Dipper can I ask you something" Will says looking at the ground. "yeah sure" Dippers says looking at Will. "how do you feel about Bill I am just wondering" Will is recording the conversation he is having with Dipper. "well I don't hate I just dislike him I guess" dipper says looking away with a frown on his face. "so if Bill were to change would you give him another chance" Will asked looking at dipper. "If Bill really changed I would give him another chance but people don't just changes over night. Dipper says still looking away. "ok thank you for answering my questions" Will says as he stops recording and sends the video to bill.

Bills perspective-

Is siting eating lunch when he gets a text from Will *opens the text*

*Bill is texting Will*

Will- video

*Bill watches the video shocked* (he would give me another chance) Bill thinks as he *saves the video*

Bill- thank you Will you are the best

Will- no problem

Dippers perspective-

-After school-

Dipper is walking home with Mabel. when the get Stan and ford are on the porch waiting for them. "he kids you finally home we are going to the park and then we are going to a restaurant to eat" ford says standing up. -I am lazy so after going to the park and restaurant at the shack- "I am going to bed good night everyone" Dipper says walking up stairs and going into his room. "good night" Stan, Mabel, and ford say. dipper changes into pjs and brushes his teeth then lays in bed. looks at the wall and starts to fall a sleep.
-that is all for today I might post tomorrow I hope you are having a good day. I am sorry if this is to long or if you can't understand it.-

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