Part 5- staying the night

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-pictures and videos do not belong to me I hop you In joy the story-
Bills perspective-
Bill was laying in his bed dipper on top of him asleep he was playing with dippers hair. ( I should probably wake him up soon dinner will be done soon) Bill thinks look at dipper. Will walks in "dinner is done you should probably wake him up and dad is not going to be home tonight so don't worry about him teasing you yet" will whispers then walks out. Looks at dipper and shakes him gently " pinetree wake up it is time for dinner" Bill say lovingly look at dipper. Dipper slowly opens his eyes "that was Easier then I thought it would be" Bill said looking at dipper. Dipper looked up at him and smiled lovingly. Dipper gets off of Bill and sit next to him. "Hey why did you get off" Bill says while he pouts. Dipper kiss Bills cheek and blushes. Bill smiles at dipper and look into his eyes. -time skip after dinner because I am lazy they are in Bills room on his bed.- Bill is looking at dipper as he does the homework that Will said was due tomorrow. (Pinetree is so cute) Bill thinks blushing. "Do you need something Bill" dippers asks looking at bill. "No I am just watching you do your homework~~" Bill says flirting with Dipper. "O-ok" Dipper says looking back at his homework and blushes. Bill smirks and looks at what time is was 11;30pm. "Hey pinetree I think we should go to sleep it is 11:30pm" Bill says looking at Dipper. "Ok let me just put my stuff away" dipper say last getting up and putting his stuff away. Bill watch's the hole time smirking. Dipper gets on Bills bed and lays beside Him and looks at him. Bill turns off the lights and raps his arms around dipper. Dipper cuddles into Bills chest. "Good night Bill" dipper says snuggling more into Bills chest. "Good night pinetree" Bill say before they both fall asleep.
-the next day-
Bill wakes up to Will gently shaking him " time to wake up and get ready for school your waking dipper up bye" Will whispers and walks out of the room. Bill looks at dipper and started to leave kiss all over his face -if it does not make sense all over dippers face- dipper slowly opens his eyes blushes. Bill is still kissing all over his face "Bill are going to stop" dipper asks giggling and blushing. "No I like doing this" Bill says then kiss dipper. Dipper kiss back then the door opens and Someone walks in Bill and dipper are still kissing they are practically making out now Bill is kissing dipper with tongue. "Bill get your tongue out of the poor kids mouth." Bills and Wills dad says. Bill pulls away and looks at his dad. Dipper looks at the wall blushing as red as a tomato. "Dad" Bill says looking at his and Wills dad. "Well it true you would probably Accidentally kill him Hi dipper" Bills and Wills dad says. Dipper looks at him and smiles "hi". "I am sorry about Bill" Bills and Wills dad said. "It is ok" dipper says blushing. And looking down. "Well a came in to make sure you two were awake now get up get dress and Bill no funny Business" Bills and Wills dad says and then walks out. "Your dad is nice" dipper says giggling. "Are you only saying that because he saved you from me getting to perverted" Bill says pouting. "Yep" dipper say giggling. Bill and Wills dad was outside the door listening. "How rude you hurt my feelings" Bill say looking away from dipper. Dipper crawls over to Bill and kiss him on the cheek. bill smiles Bills door was open a little were Bills and Wills dad was looking in. He was smiling (Maybe you are the type of person my son needs dipper thank you) Bills and Wills dad thinks before walking away.
- that is all for today sorry if it is to short thanks for reading-

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