Part 4- In Bills room

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- videos and pictures do not belong to me. Now on to the story I hope you in joy. This means an example is your cute ~~~ flirting-
Bills perspective-
Is sitting in his room with Dipper. (Pinetree is so cute) thinks while Dipper is talking. Grabs dippers hand and intertwines there fingers is now holding Dipper hands. Dipper blush and looks away "bbbill" Dipper says still looking away. "Yes pinetree~~" Bill says making Dipper looks at him by putting his fingers under dipper chin and making him look at him. "Yyyyes bbbill" says Dipper while blushing more. "I want a kiss pinetree~~~" Bill says blushing. "Oh ok" dipper says blushing more. -
Warning if you are under 13 don't read this part I will tell you when you can read again- "Sit on my lap facing me pinetree~~~" Bill says as Dipper stands up and sits on Bills laps facing him and raps his arms around Bills neck. Bill hold Dipper bye his hips and looks into his eyes. (I want to kiss him so bad) Bill thinks. Bill kiss dipper and dipper kiss back. Bill licks Dippers bottom lip asking for entrance which dipper does not give him which makes him angry grabs dippers ass. Moans and opens his mouth a little bit Bill takes his chance and slides his tongue in to Dippers mouth and explores. Dipper moans in to the kiss. -time skip school is over- Bill brakes kiss panting. Dipper is panting put head on Bills shoulder still on Bills lap. Bill starts to rub Dippers back "tired my pinetree~~~" bill asks. "Kind of Bill" dippers says cuddling more into Bill. "Yes pinetree" Bill says snuggling into dipper. "I think I should get back to the shack" Dipper says still cuddling in to Bill. "Nooooo I want you to stay the night" Bill says holding Dipper tighter. "One we have school tomorrow, two I don't have clothes, three don't you think that it's to soon for that Bill so let me go I want to go back to the shake and sleep" Dipper says.
"First I can get you clothes, second we can still go to school, third I don't care if it is to soon you are mine" Bill say holding Dipper tighter. "Ok fine I give up" dipper says yawning. "Cute go ahead and sleep on me pinetree~" Bill say smiling. "Ok bill I love you" Dipper says falling asleep and snuggling more in to Bill. Will walks in " hey bill is Dipper sleeping" Will whispers walking in front of Dipper and Bill standing in front of them. "Yes he is he so cute" bill whispers. "Do you want me to go to the shack and get him clothes" Will whispers. "Yeah and thank you" Bill whispers. Will leave and Bill lays back on his back. Is playing with Dippers hair while dipper is sleeping. Bills, Wills mom walks in "your brother said you hade friend over he is so cute do you like him" Bills, Wills mom says. "Yes mom I like pinetree" Bill says as Dipper snuggling more into him. "My future son in law is so cute and I thought his name is Dipper" Bills, Wills mom says. "It is pinetree is a nickname I gave him" Bill says rubbing Dippers back. Will walks in and puts dippers clothes on Bills desk. "Will isn't Dipper you're best friend" Bills, Wills mom says. "Yes he is I know him better then Bill" Will says as sticking his tongue at Bill.
-That is all for today if you have any suggestions on names for Bills and Wills mom and dad then comment down bellow. Thank for reading bye-

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