Part 10- Mabel and Dippers birthday

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-The picture does not belong to me. This part is during the summer
No ones perspective-
It is the summer bill and dipper have Been dating for awhile and everyone in gravity falls knows and is ok with it. Stan and Ford talked to bill telling him if he hurts Dipper that he will regret it.
Wendy did the same so did Robbie bill hade to keep telling them that he does not plan to hurt dipper. Mabel and dipper were excited for there seventeenth birthday. They were excited to find out who there soulmate was. They couldn't wait to have their soulmates name on their wrist.
Dipper's perspective-
Today is dippers and Mabel's birthday. Dipper wakes up to Mabel running into his room excited. "Bro bro today is our birthday are you excited we're going to find out who our soulmates are" Mabel says excited jumping up and down. "Yeah I am excited" dipper says.
Dipper gets out of bed "can you please leave so I can get dressed" Dipper says walking to his closet. "Yeah I will see you down stairs bro bro" Mabel's says walking out of dippers room and shouting the door behind her. Dipper gets dress and walks down stairs and in to the kitchen to see stan, ford, and mabel sitting at the tabel. dipper sits at the tabel ''good morning dipper happy birthday kid'' stan says. ''thanks'' dipper says ''so what you want to do today kids'' ford asks looking up form his food. ''let go to the pool" mabel says excited. "You ok with that dipper" Stan asks. "Yeah I am ok with that" dipper says finishing his breakfast. -time skip-
Bill perspective-
Bill was nervous today might be the day that he finds out if dipper is his soulmate. Bill was getting ready for the party that started at 8:30pm because Mabel couldn't wait any longer to find out who her soulmate was and Dipper was ok with it. Bill already rapped the presents Mabel was getting a new sweater, and Dipper was getting a journal with a pinetree on the cover.
Dipper's perspective-
Dipper was in the pool splashing Mabel trying to get Mabel to give up and get out of the pool meaning dipper would win the bet that he would stay in the pool longer but Mabel was not going to give up. "I will win dipper" Mabel says splashing water into dippers face. "No you're not I am not giving up" dipper says. "I bet Mabel going to win" Stan says. "No she not I am going to win" dipper says before Mabel comes up behind him and pushes him under water. Dipper comes back up form under the water "really Mabel" dipper says looking at Mabel. "Sorry bro bro I just hade to" Mabel says walking to the deep end of the pool to swim dipper swims to the deep and starts swimming around the pool.
-Time Skip-
No ones perspective-
It is 8:33pm people are starting to come the shack for Mabel's and Dipper's birthday. Wendy and Robbie walk up to Mabel and Dipper "happy birthday Mabel and Dipper" Wendy says "yeah happy birthday" Robbie says then walks away Wendy following him. Bill comes into the shack and walks to Dipper and Mabel after putting the presents on the table with the other presents. "Hey pinetree and shooting star" Bill says walking over and giving Dipper a hug. Mabel takes a picture of Dipper and Bill hugging "I am putting this in my scrapbook" Mabel says running to her room to put the picture in her scrapbook Pacifica following Mabel to her room to talk to her. Bill pulls Dipper closer Dipper blushes and hides his faces in Bills neck. "Happy birthday pinetree I love you" Bill says laughing a little. "I love you to Bill" Dipper says blushing.
Time skip-
It is 10pm  dipper and Mabel opened all of their presents they liked all of them for different reasons Stan gave them money with his face on it.
Dipper's perspective-
Everyone was waiting to find out Dipper's and Mabel's soulmate. Mabel gasps in surprise then hugs Pacifica. "I saw that coming of course Mabel and Pacifica are soulmates" Stan says bored. Bill looks at dippers wrist to see his name on it bill then looks at his. Bill was shocked but happy Bill was blushing dipper looked at bill confused then looked at what he was looking at. Dipper looks at Bills wrist to see his name on Bills wrist (Bill is my soulmate) dipper thinks blushing red like a tomato. Everyone starts laughing Bill grabs Dippers hand. The rest of the night everyone had fun then went home.
That is all I am sorry if it is bad. Sorry that I have not posted in awhile. I will try to post more.

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