Part 3- the talk part two

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- the picture and video don't belong to me credit to the owner-
Bills and Dippers perspective-
"I like you to Bill" Dipper says Bill was shocked. Dipper giggles and stops playing with Bills hand and lets it go. "I should get to class" Dipper says standing up. Bill stands up as well and grabs Dipper hips and Dipper put his arms around Bills neck. "I really should get to class Bill" Dipper says and as Dipper is talking Bill is staring at Dippers lips. "Bill" dipper says just as Bill kiss Dipper. Dipper shocked but kiss back. -don't read this part if you under 13 I will tell you when you can read.- Bill licks dippers bottom lip asking for entrance dipper opens his mouth A little bit and Bill slides his tongue into Dippers mouth and explores his mouth dipper moans into the kiss. Bill push Dipper into the wall still holding Dippers hips Bill pulls away from the kiss Dipper is trying to catch his breath. "Pinetree" Bill say in a flirting way Dipper blush's "yeah Bill" Dipper say flirting back. "Your skipping school with me today" Bill says with pleading eyes. "But What if i have homework" Dipper says Dipper is still against the wall with his arms around Bills neck and Bill holding his hips. "Text my brother I want to spend time with you" Bill say looking in to Dipper brown eyes. "You can hangout with me after school" Dipper says looking in to Bills yellow eyes. "I want hangout with you now and after school" Bill says still looking into Dippers eyes. "Fine just this one time Bill okay" dipper says still looking in Bills eyes. "Okay pinetree" Bill says as he snuggles his head in to dippers neck. "Billll" Dipper says blushing Bill doesn't stop. "What I like this" Bill says just as Eric walks in. "Did I come in at the wrong time" Eric says. "Yes" Bill says still snuggling into Dippers neck. "You know your late to class right Dipper" Eric says. "He is skipping school today with me Eric" Bill says snuggling more in to Dipper neck and holds Dipper closer To him Dipper blush's. "Ok well I am going to class scene we have all are class together Bill I will tell you if we have any homework" Eric says then he walks out of the room. "Bill I need to text Will" Dipper says as he blush's more. "Fine just text him you're not getting me to move you smell good" Bill says still holding Dipper blushes *dipper takes out his phone and texts Will* dipper is texting Will.
Dipper- I am skipping school today can you tell me if we have any homework work.
Will- yeah sure but why are you skipping
Dipper- I am hanging out with someone
Out of text "Bill is it ok if I tell Will that we are hanging out" dipper says Bill is still snuggling into Dippers neck. "Yeah go ahead and tell him pinetree" Bill says holding himself back from kissing dippers neck.
-you can read now-
Texting Will
Dipper- with Bill
Will- WHAT!
Dipper- I have to go now bye
Will- fine we will talk about it later bye
Out of texting "now what are we doing" Dipper asks. Bill stops snuggling into dippers neck and let dipper go. "Let's go to my house" Bill said smirking. "You are planning something aren't you" Dipper says looking at bill his arms are no longer around Bills neck. "You know me well pinetree" Bill say flirting with Dipper. "Ok let's go" Dippers says takes Bills hand and starts blushing. -time skip because I am lazy- Dipper and Bill gets Bills house and goes inside. "Let's go to my room pinetree" Bill says flirting with Dipper. "Ok" Dipper says blushing Dipper and Bill go to Bills room still holding hands. In Bills room dipper and bill sit on Bills bed.
-ok that is for today-

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