Part 9- last day of school

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-I do not know who this picture belongs to I hope you enjoy-
No ones perspective-
It is the last day of school. Dipper and Mabel are excited for summer. The school year was good Dipper started to date bill. Mabel and her friends are kind of ok with it the are keeping a eye on bill to make sure he doesn't do something bad.
Dipper's perspective-
Dipper gets waked up bye Mabel she jumped on his bed. "Dipper wake up it the last day of school" Mabel says excited. "Ok ok I am getting up" Dipper says getting out of bed. Mabel leaves the room and dipper gets dressed for the last day of school. Dipper walks out of his room "you kids excited for you're last day of school" Stan asked. "Yep" Mabel says as she eating breakfast. Dipper eats his breakfast fast. "Ok let's go Mabel" dipper says. -time skip- dipper and Mabel are in there first class. Dipper gets a text "you gonna check that" will asked. "I guess I should" Dipper says. Dipper looks at his phone and sees that bill text him.
Bill- hey pinetree ❤️
Dipper- what do you need bill
Bill- I miss you 😭
Dipper- if I eat lunch with you will you stop texting in class
Bill- yes ❤️
Dipper- fine bye
Bill- bye love you pinetree 💕
Dipper- love you to
Dipper puts his phone down "what was that about" will asks. "It was Bill looks like I am eating lunch with him today sorry" Dipper says. "It is ok I was going to eat lunch with my soulmate anyway" will says. "ok" Dipper says.
Bills perspective-
Bill is sitting in class (yay I get to eat lunch with pinetree) Bill thinks. the bell rings Bill stands up and walks out of class. -time skip- it is now lunch time bill gets his lunch and walks out to the back of the school and sees Dipper sitting under a tree eating his lunch. Bill walk over to Dipper and sits by him. "hi pinetree" Bill says "hi bill" Dipper says looking up from his lunch. Bill starts to eat his lunch. -time skip-  Bill and Dipper finished eating lunch. Bill looks at Dipper "pinetree" Bill says. "What is it bill" dipper says reading a book. "Give me attention pinetree" Bill says annoyed. Dipper looks up at bill and sticks his tongue out at him. "Pinetree" Bill says angrily. Dipper put his book down and sit on Bills lap facing towards him "Bill you need to calm down" Dipper says blushing a little. Bill calms down and pulls dipper to his chest and snuggles into his neck. (Pinetree smells good) bill thinks blushing a little. "Billlll" Dipper says trying to get out of Bills arms. "Pinetree if you don't stop trying to get out of my arms I will not let you go and you will miss you're class" Bill says still snuggling into to dippers neck. "Fine" Dipper says then snuggles into Bill. -time skip- the bell rings "Bill let me go" dipper says trying to get out of Bills arms. "No" Bill says not letting go of Dipper. "If you don't let me go I will ignore you" Dipper says.
"Fine" Bill says sadly letting go of Dipper. Dipper gets off of Bill and gets his stuff "bye Bill I will see you later" Dipper says. "Bye pinetree love you" bill says getting up and packing his stuff. "Love you to" dipper says before walking away. Bill walks towards his class. Bill walks into his class "you're late Bill" the teacher says. "I know I will go sit down" Bill says. Bill walks over to his seat and sits down. The teacher starts to talk.
Dippers perspective-
Dipper is sitting in his last class of the day listening to the teacher talk about something weird while he reads a book. The girls around him were talking loud. The bell rings "ok every one have a good summer" the teacher says. Dipper stands up grabs his stuff and walks out of the class. Dipper walks into the hallway and sees Mabel talking with friends. Dipper walks pass Mabel and to the front of the school dipper gets out side and see Bill talking with his friends. Mabel walks behind dipper "hey bro bro" Mabel said. "Hey Mabel ready to go home" Dipper says. "Yep let's go" Mabel says Dipper and Mabel walk past Bill and his friends and start to head to the shack. -time skip- Dipper and Mabel walk into the shack " hi kids how was school" Stan asked. "School was good" dipper says. "Yep" Mabel says "I am going to my room" Dipper says. Dipper goes into his room and sits his stuff down then sits on his bed. -time skip-  dipper gets ready for bed then lays down and goes to sleep.
Thanks for reading sorry if it is short, and for not posting for awhile.

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