Part 7- Keeping Dipper away form Bill

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-The picture does not belong to me-

Dipper's perspective-

Dipper is sitting in his seat he looks over to ware Mabel was sitting. (Mabel seems distracted what is she thinking about) Dipper thought. Dipper looked back at the teacher. "talking about the lesson" teacher. The bell rings Mabel walks up to Dipper "you and Will should sit with me and my friends bro bro" Mabel says happily. "do you want to sit with them Will" dipper asked looking at Will. "yeah sounds like fun" Will says. they walk out of the class and to the lunch room. Mabel goes and gets her lunch Dipper and Will follow Mabel to get their lunch, when they got their lunch they went and sat down with Mabel friends. "hi Dipper and Will I see your sitting with us today"  Pacifica says. Mabel whispers something into Pacifica's ear. Pacifica nods and looks at dipper then back at Mabel and whispers something back.
Mabel's perspective-
Mabel whispers something into Pacifica ear. "We need to keep Bill away form Dipper and Dipper away from Bill" Mabel whispers. Pacifica looks at Dipper and that back at Mabel. "Ok I will let the other girls know" Pacifica whispers back.
Dipper's perspective-
Dipper was confuse Mabel and Pacifica whispered something to each other. (It is probably nothing but that was weird when they whisper something to each other they usually don't look at me) Dipper though. "You ok Dipper" Will says worried. "I am fine Will" Dipper says back looking at his food. -after lunch- Dipper starts to walk to class. When he sees Bill walking to him. Mabel grabs Dippers arm and drags him to his class. "Can't have you late for your class" Mabel says. "Thank you I guess" dipper says walking into his class and sitting down.
Bills perspective-
Bill is in the bathroom trying not to beat up Mabel because she dragged Dipper away from him. (How dare she drag my pinetree away from me) bill thought. He was made Eric walks into to the bathroom. "What happen to make you so angry" Eric says walking up to Bill. "Shooting star dragged my pinetree away from me" Bill says clenching his first. "She is trying to protect him" Eric said. "I know" bill says looking in the Mirror. (Why can't shooting star see that I don't want to hurt my pinetree) Bill thought. "She does not trust you yet give it some time" Eric says then walks out of the bathroom. Bill walks out of the bathroom and goes to class. "You're late" the teacher says. "And you still live alone with your five cats but I don't say anything" Bill says and the whole class started laughing. Bill walked over to his seat and sits down. "At least I am came to your boring class" Bill says. "Let's just get back to the lesson" the teacher says.
Dipper's perspective-
Dipper is sitting in class confused (Why did Mabel drag me to class) Dipper though. The teacher was teaching something that Dipper already knew so Dipper was just sitting pretending to pay attention to what the teacher was talking about. "Dipper are you listening to what I am saying" the teacher says. "No sorry Sir I will pay attention" Dipper says. "Ok let's get back to the lesson" the teacher says. (Wired I thought that i was good at pretending to pay attention) Dipper though. The bell rang dipper put his stuff into his bag and left the class Mabel walked up to him "Let's go to our next class together bro bro" Mabel says. Will is not with dipper because he hade a doctor appointment. "Ok Mabel let's go" dipper says starting to walk to there next class. When they get there dipper sits in his seat and Mabel walks over to hers and sits. "Ok class let's get started" the teacher says. (This is boring) Dipper though. Bill walked into class "you're late Bill" the teacher says. "And your In love with someone that will never love you back" Bill says and walks over to his seat and sits down. Everyone except Mabel and Dipper laughed. Dipper looked at Bill then back at the teacher. "Talking about lesson" teacher. Dipper feels someone staring at him he looks in the Direction and sees Bill staring. At him Dipper winks at Bill. Bill blushes and winks back which makes Dipper blush. Dipper looks back at the teacher. "Bill Dipper no flirting in class Dipper I did not expect this form you Bill I expected this form you" the teacher says. "Thank you" Bill says and looks at Dipper again. "Sorry won't happen again" Dipper says. "He is lying it will happen again" Bill says. "Ok let's just get back to the lesson" the teacher says.
Mabel's perspective-
Mabel is siting in class when bill walks in. "You're late" the teacher says. "And you love someone that will never love you" Bill say and walks to his seat and sits down he sits two seats behind Mabel. Everyone in the class laughed except Dipper and Mabel. (That was rude) Mabel thought Bill was staring at Dipper. Dipper noticed and looked at Bill and winked Bill blushed and winked back making Dipper blush. (Did that just happen Dipper just flirted with Bill and Bill flirted back) Mabel thought. "Bill Dipper no flirting in class Dipper I did not expect this form you Bill I expected this form you" the teacher says. "Thank you" Bill says and looks at Dipper again. "Sorry won't happen again" Dipper says. "He is lying it will happen again" Bill says. "Ok let's get back to the lesson" the teacher says. (That just happened) Mabel thought.
Bills perspective-
Bill is looking at Dipper as the teacher is teaching class instead of paying attention. (I wish I could just spend time with pinetree instead of sitting in this boring class) Bill though. The bell rings Mabel walks over to Dipper and drags him out of class. (Really she must not want me around him that bad) Bill thought. (I am going to have to do something about that) Bill thought.
That is all for this part thanks for reading. Sorry that it takes me so long to post another part. I can't believe I got so many views.

I did not expect this 🥺😃😁 thank you for reading

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I did not expect this 🥺😃😁 thank you for reading. Word Count 1066.

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