Part 6- at school

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-the picture does not belong to me this ~ means flirting-
Everyone's perspective-
Dipper and Bill were walking to school together with Will. "I feel like a third wheel right now" will Says as they walked to school. "It is Not my problem that you are single will" Bill says Dipper giggles. "That was adorable" will and Bill say at the same time. "No it was not I am not adorable" dipper says crossing his arms. "Yes you are pinetree~~" Bill says dipper blushes. "No I am not"  dipper yells and keeps walking. Bill smirks and follows dipper "oh really so you're saying you are not cute" Bill says. "Yes" dipper says "you're right your not cute you're adorable~~" Bill says Dipper is now as red as a Tomato. "Biilllllll" dipper says looking away. Bill chuckles and they walk into they school gate and were greeted by a angry Mabel. "WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO BILL DIPPER EXPLAIN NOW" Mabel yells dipper hides behind bill scared. "Can you stop yelling you're scaring pinetree shooting star" Bill says. "WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU" Mabel yells. "Come on dipper let's go inside" Will says. Dipper nods and walks past Mabel "DIPPER WE YOU STILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU WERE TALKING TO HIM" Mabel yells. Dipper and will get into the school.
Bills perspective-
Bill was angry he was no longer his yellow color he was red "listen here shooting star Hurt pinetree and I hurt you got that shooting star"
Bill says angrily. Mabel is now scared and is shaking "o-o-ok" Mabel says then runs away. Bill calms down and turns back to his normal yellow self. Bill walks into the school to see dipper and bill talking to each other (thanks for being there for him will) Bill thinks. Bill walks to his friends "hey guys" Bill says, "hey bill" eric says. " we know what happened outside" Eric said getting to the point. "Yeah Mabel was being yelling at dipper for talking to me" Bill says. They nod and started to talk about something random.
Dipper perspective-
After dipper and bill walked into the school they talked while they waited for the bell to ring for their first class. When the see Mabel run pass them looking scared. "Bill must have threatened her" Will says like this is normal. O-oh" Dipper says looking at his feet. "You ok dipper" will asked concerned. "Yeah I am fine" dipper says now watching Bill walk in smirking widely, walking to his friends and start to talk to his friends. "Ok if you say so" Will says "let's start walking to class now" dipper says. "Ok let's go" will says starting to walk to class dipper following him. When they get to class and sit down Mabel walks over to them. "Sorry for yelling at you bro bro that was not needed I hope you can forgive me" Mabel says look at the ground. "It is ok Mabel" dipper says smiling at Mabel. Mabel smiles "ok talk to you later bro bro" Mabel say then walks away to her seat. "Was nice of her to apologize" Will says taking out his books and setting them on his desk. "Yeah" Dipper says taking his books out and putting them on his desk. "Ok time for class please sit down in your seats" the teacher says. When the class is all sitting there seats the teacher starts to teach the class.
Mabel's perspective-
Mabel is sitting in class the teacher is teaching. (I am happy Dipper forgiven me, I don't know why he was talking to bill but it looked like Dipper was blushing at what Bill was saying) Mabel thought. The bell rang and Mabel walked to her next class with dipper and will because they have class together. Mabel gets to class and sits in her seat. (Why is Bill being so protective of dipper) mane thought.
Bills perspective-
Bill was sitting behind Mabel she seemed out of it so he decided to read her mind. (Why is bill being so over protective of dipper) Mabel's thoughts. (So she is being curious) bill though. Bill leans forward. "You should pay attention shooting star" Bill whispers into Mabel's ear. Mabel jumps a little in her seat. Bill chuckles quietly and leans back Into his chair. (That get her to pay attention to the teacher) bill thought. Bill looks at dipper, dipper is listening to the teacher. (Pinetree is so adorable) bill thought blushing a little. Mabel sees this (so that is why bill likes dipper) Mabel thought. Bill read her mind (so you are smart shooting star) bill thought. Leans forward "so you are smart shooting star" Bill whispers. Mabel jumps in her seat again. "You read my mind" Mabel whispers. "Yep and you are correct I do like pinetree" Bill whispers then leans back into his seat. (I know Bills bad but I ship it so much) Mabel thought fan Girling a little bit. Bill read Mabel's thoughts and smirks (so I just have to prove myself to shooting star then I can be with pinetree with out her getting in the way) bill thought smirking to himself. (Now there is only the others) bill thought.
- that is all for this part hope you and enjoy it, and I can't believe this-

-how I did not expect this thank you I am crying thank you for reading 🥺😄😃😭😆-

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-how I did not expect this thank you I am crying thank you for reading 🥺😄😃😭😆-

Soulmates (billdip) dipper x bill high school Where stories live. Discover now