Part 2- the talk

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-The videos and the pictures do not belong to me credit to the people that they belong to.-
Dippers perspective-
Dipper is sleeping and is having a nightmare. In Dippers dream dipper is sitting in the middle of the woods it night time. Mabel, Stan, and Ford are there as well everyone is ignoring each other in tell Stan says something. "This is all your fault Dipper" Stan says angrily. "I would have to agree with Stan" says Ford looking at dipper. "Me to it is all your fault dipper" Mabel say angrily. Dipper looks down sad "what is all me fault is please tell me" dipper say sadly. "That are parents died stupid" Mabel says angrily dipper starts to cry. "Cry baby" Will says walking to them. Little did dipper know that bill was watching the whole thing.
Bills perspective-
Is watching in disbelief and is getting angry dippers dream starts to get worse. Dipper turns around and see Bill. "Bill what are you doing here" Dipper asked while he was still crying.
"Just came to check on you pinetree" bill says walking up to dipper and sitting by him. "Bill" Dipper say putting his head on Bills shoulder. "Yeah pinetree" Bill says while blushing. "Does my family hate me" Dipper says with his head still on Bills shoulder. "No they don't hate you pinetree it is just a bad dream" Bills says smiling. "Bill" Dipper says taking his head off of Bills shoulder and looking at him. "Yes pinetree" Bill says blushing as he continued to look at Dipper. "After school do you want to come to the shack to hangout with me you don't have to" dipper say smiling brightly. Bill blush and looks away "sure why not pinetree" Bill says blushing. Dipper notices and smirks "Bill your blushing" Dipper say in a flirting way. Dipper is shocked "pppintree are you flirting with me" Bill says still surprised. "Yes" Dipper says in a flirting way. Bill blush more Dipper notices and looks away blushing. Bill sees this and move dippers head to were he is looking at him bye putting to fingers under his chin. "Look who's blushing now pinetree" bill say flirting whit dipper. "Noooo stop Bill" dipper says Bill smirks. (Maybe I do have a chance with pinetree) Bill thinks as Bill is thinking Dipper leans in and kiss his cheek. Bill looks at dipper shocked this made Dipper giggle. Bill looks at Dippers lips wanting to kiss him he was about when he and Dipper wakes up. "Noooooo I was about to kiss my pinetree" Bill says as Will walks in. "What you went into Dippers dreams" Will say angrily. "Sorry I couldn't help it" Bill says sadly. "It is fine anyway how did it go" Will say siting at the end of Bills bed. "Good Dipper kissed me on the cheek" Bill says blushing. Will stared at Bill shocked "he did" Will said. "Yep he was to hangout with me after school" Bill say blushing. "He probably wants to talk to you about something" Will says.
Dippers perspectives-
Is sitting on the couch in the living room. Is still kind of blushing. Mabel walks in and sits bye Dipper " why you blushing bro bro" Mabel says in a Teasing way. "Bills went into my dreams last night" dipper say blushing more. "What happen Mabel say shocked. "I was having a bad dream and Bill comforted me and I Amy have flirted with him and kissed him on the cheek and before we waked up he was about to kiss me" dipper say he is now as red as a tomato. Mabel is shocked "you have a Crush on Bill" Mabel say angrily. All dipper could do is node as answering yes. "He tried to kill us and have crush on him I am disappointed in you dipper" Mabel say angrily. Stan and Ford walk in "what is wrong in here" Stan says. "Dipper has a crush on Bill cipher" Mabel says angrily. Dipper runs to his room grabs his stuff for school and runs out of the shack. Stan and Ford were shocked "you did not have to yell at him this could be a good thing" ford says. "How" Mabel say angrily. "If Bill is in love with Dipper there is a chance that he will stop doing bad things" Ford says with Dipper. Dipper is in the bathroom crying when on of Bills friends walked the heard that bill was in love with him so the diced to go get Bill with Bill. "Bill I have something important to tell you" Eric says out of breath. "What is it" Bill says look at Eric. "Dipper is in the bathroom crying" Eric says tru to ketch his breath. "Ok thank you for telling me" Bill says as he walks to the bathroom. When he walks in he see dipper on the floor against the wall crying bill walks over to dipper and sits by him. "What happened pinetree" Bill says while he grabs dippers hand and intense there fingers. Dipper blush and looks away "Mabel yelled at me she is mad at me" Dipper say starting to cry more. Bill was mad dipper put his head on Bills shoulder. "Calm down Bill please" Dipper says looking at the wall. Bill looked at Dipper blushing "you still want to hang out with me after school" Bill asks. "Yeah but not at the shack I don't want to go back there for a while" Dipper says as he cuddles into Bill and blush's. Bill smiles as he blush's. "Bill I want to know how you feel about me" Dipper says as he starts to play with Bills fingers. Bill stared at the wall shocked "I i i" Bill says. "Please tell me if you tell me I will tell you" dipper says smiling and blushing a little more. Bill looks dipper in the eyes "pinetree I am in love with you" Bill say Dipper looks shocked and says.
- cliffhanger sorry you have to wait tell tomorrow I am so evil-

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