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Ima put a warning, but some dark negative things are in this chapter, and I don't want to scare y'all.

Jisoo groaned when he messed up doing his homework "Daddy?" Jisoo called out, and Seokmin looked up "Yes baby?" Jisoo pouted "Shushu no wan' to do homewowk." Seokmin chuckled.

Seokmin looked at Jisoo's homework, and saw how Jisoo messed up, "Baby, if daddy had ten apples, and baby had another ten," Jisoo listened to Seokmin "How many would we have together?" Jisoo thought about.

"Umm," Seokmin kissed his head "O-Oh t-twenty!" Seokmin nodded, and rubbed Jisoo's back since he was stuttering.

"Good job baby." Jisoo giggled, and decided to try and solve the next one "D-Daddy, help Shushu." Seokmin looked at the next question.

"Okay, if daddy had eleven pencils, and baby took five away," Jisoo tilted his head "how many would daddy have?" Jisoo thought about it.

Jisoo pouted, as he couldn't think "I-I don't know." Seokmin rubbed his back, and decided to take out some pencils.

Seokmin placed out eleven pencils, and smiled as he saw Jisoo's held tilting "Okay baby, take away five pencils." Jisoo took away five pencils.

"Now, look how many daddy has," Jisoo counted "S-Six." Seokmin smiled, and pecked his lips.

Jisoo giggled, and decided to try on his own, when Jisoo finished, he took a deep breath "Daddy?" Seokmin hummed "I wuv you." Seokmin smiled.

"I love you too baby." Seokmin pecked his lips, and Jisoo smiled.

The rest of the day Jisoo had been careful being near Jia, and if he was he would either go to the room or go to the living room where Seokmin's parents are.

As Jisoo was in the room, he started shaking, and tried to have positive thoughts "D-Don't think n-negative." Jisoo mumbled.

"D-Don't think n-negative." Jisoo repeated to himself, but that didn't happen. Jisoo started thinking negative, and tried to find something that he promised himself he would never use again.

Jisoo couldn't find, and noticed that everything sharp was either covered or hidden, so that he wouldn't hurt himself.

Jisoo was shaking even more then anything, he started shaking so bad that he couldn't even feel what was going on.

When Seokmin entered the room, he went to Jisoo quickly "Shh baby, I'm right here." Jisoo heard Seokmin, and tried to relax.

Seokmin grabbed Jisoo's stuffed animal, and started shaking it, slightly making Jisoo shake less.

Seokmin thought of what else, and decided to sing Jisoo a song.

Jisoo heard Seokmin, and started calming down.

"M-Minnie." Jisoo stuttered "I'm right here." Seokmin kissed his head.

"I-I didn't mean f-for it to h-happen." Jisoo cried, and Seokmin rubbed his back hating that Jisoo kept blaming himself.

"It's not your fault." Jisoo shook his head, and got up "Baby.." Jisoo backed away "S-Stay away." Seokmin tried to get Jisoo, but Jisoo ran out of the room.

Seokmin followed Jisoo "Jisoo!" Seokmin called out as Jisoo ran out of the house.

Mrs and Mr Lee who noticed went to go help their eldest.

Seokmin went outside, and went to see where Jisoo went "Jisoo?" Seokmin called out, but couldn't hear a response.

Seokmin huffed, as he stopped running "Jisoo?!" Seokmin yelled trying to not to cry as he wanted to find his boyfriend.

When Jisoo stopped running he made sure to go to the hiding stop where him and Jeonghan went to when they were younger.

"I-I'm sorry Minnie." Jisoo cried, and was holding his knees up to his chest as he sat down.

Jisoo cried even more, and didn't realize someone was behind him "Shua?" Jisoo looked back to see Jeonghan "H-Hey." Jisoo said in a raspy voice.

"What are you doing here?" Jeonghan asked sitting next to Jisoo "Wondering where my life went wrong." Jisoo tried to joke, but Jeonghan didn't laugh.

Jeonghan sighed "Shua, what happened?" Jisoo took a deep breath "I-I ran away." Jeonghan looked at Jisoo.

"Why?" Jisoo looked at Jeonghan "B-Because of my episode." Jeonghan rubbed Jisoo's back, and waited for Jisoo to explain a bit more.

Jisoo took another deep breath "I tried to hurt myself, a-and I couldn't help, but feel disappointed, and I-I thought I-I let M-Minnie down."

Jeonghan pulled Jisoo into a hug "Shua, Seokmin would never and I mean never ever feel let down by you."

"He's always there for you," Jeonghan smiled "Ever since you went into little space, Seokmin took the risk to be your caregiver, and also decided to be your boyfriend." Jisoo smiled remembering that.

Jeonghan helped Jisoo up "Go back, and be with Seokmin, because no one loves you more than him." Jisoo nodded, and hugged Jeonghan before letting go.

"Thank you Han." Jeonghan smiled, and Jisoo walked off back to going home.

When Jisoo got home, he was tackled into a hug by Seokmin "Don't ever do that again." Jisoo hugged Seokmin.

"I won't." Seokmin placed his forehead onto Jisoo's "You worried me so much." Jisoo pecked Seokmin's lips.

"I promise not to do it again." Seokmin nodded, and held Jisoo even tighter with one arm.

Jisoo snuggled into Seokmin's neck, and giggled as Seokmin kept tickling his sides.

Seokmin pulled Jisoo to their room, and laid down on the bed "Life without you baby, would be horrible for me." Jisoo played with Seokmin's shirt.

"Can you please tell why you did that?" Jisoo shook his, and Seokmin rubbed his back "Daddy m-may be mad." Seokmin sighed.

"I won't be mad." Jisoo looked at Seokmin "Pwomise?" Jisoo held out his pinkie "Promise." Seokmin told him wrapping his pinkie around Jisoo's.

"S-Shushu thought d-daddy would b-be disappointed." Seokmin held Jisoo "Baby, daddy would never disappointed with you." Jisoo snuggled onto Seokmin.

As the couple kept cuddling, they didn't noticed that Jia had seen, and heard everything that happened, and couldn't help but feel bad as she always hated Jisoo for taking her brothers attention away from her.

Jia knew she needed to make up for her actions, and needed to apologize to Jisoo for everything that she has caused in the passed years that Seokmin and Jisoo have been dating.

But Jia didn't know how, because she knows how scared Jisoo is around her.


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