-Twenty Five-

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Five days had passed and it was now Jisoo's birthday. The little had woken up to sounds in the kitchen but had fallen back as last night all of them had stayed up talking about nonsense and playing games that made everyone chaotic.

"Shua baby," Seokmin called as he walked into the room and set down a tray on the desk. "Shua..." The little whined as he tried going back to sleep but couldn't as his boyfriend was slightly shaking him. "Daddy..." Jisoo whined getting up as he pouted. "I'm sorry baby." Seokmin said chuckling as he fixed Jisoo's hair.

Once Jisoo had officially opened his eyes, he noticed the tray of food. "Happy birthday baby." Jisoo giggled and hugged his boyfriend, "Tank' chu." He mumbled as he sat in between his boyfriend's legs. "Pancakes." Jisoo said as he saw the tray of food. "Daddy bought Shushu strawberries!" Jisoo excitedly said as he grab one and ate it.

"Eat up okay?" Seokmin said while Jisoo nodded, "Otay." He giggled as ate his food.

After finishing up with breakfast in bed, Jisoo had brushed his teeth and now was in the bathtub giggling as he splashed his boyfriend. "Baby, please don't splash me." Jisoo giggled again before squealing when Seokmin gently splashed him.

"Close your eyes baby." Jisoo nodded as he closed his eyes and let Seokmin pour water over his head. Once Seokmin finished up, he groaned when Jisoo splashed him again. "Shua..." He warned before taking off his shirt as it was soaking wet. "No splashing." He told him making Jisoo pout before nodding.

"I'm sowwy." Seokmin chuckled a little before smiling. "It's alright baby." Jisoo nodded as he blushed a little when he realized his boyfriend had taken off his shirt. "A-Abs." He mumbled making his boyfriend chuckle before nodding.

After finishing up with Jisoo and his bath, Seokmin helped his boyfriend get dressed before taking a shower himself. "Baby, go in our wait there." Jisoo nodded and left the restroom. As he went up to their room, Jisoo had noticed a box in the middle of their bed.

To: Shushu
From: Everyone

Jisoo ignored the box just in case, and sat on the floor playing with his new stuffed animals. "Mr Otter, Ms Piggy, Ms Kitty, Mr Bear." Jisoo said as he grabbed them and gently placed them near the wall. Seokmin who had gotten out of the shower a few minutes later, smiled as he his boyfriend playing with his toys.

"Baby did you see the present?" Jisoo nodded as he stood up and sat on the bed. "Shua saw present but Shua no wanted to open." Seokmin chuckled placing a kiss on his boyfriend's head. "Do you want to open it now or later after cake." The taller asked playing with his boyfriend's hair. "Later!" Seokmin nodded before going into his luggage to find a different shirt.

Once he did, he noticed his boyfriend holding the otter plushy. "Mr Otter looks like Channie!" Jisoo said making his boyfriend chuckle before nodding. "Daddy, big Shua wants to come and be wit' you." Seokmin nodded as he sat on the bed with him.

Jisoo blinked a little, before looking at Seokmin. "Thank you for everything." Seokmin chuckled before pulling his boyfriend onto his lap. "Why are you thanking me so much? You know I would do this all the time because I love you." Seokmin told him before placing his arms around Jisoo's waist.

"You do so much for me though." Jisoo mumbled before squealing as he was thrown on the bed. "Yeah?" Seokmin asked pining him down, "Ack! Not again!" Jisoo yelled out making the taller laugh as he tickled his boyfriend. "M-Min, get off of me." Jisoo whined trying to escape but couldn't as his boyfriend held his arms above his head.

"You horny bastards." Soonyoung said coming into the room. "Says the one who smacks my brother's ass half of the time." The tiger obsessed boy laughed before leaving the room. "Come downstairs!" He told them. Once the couple got off the bed, Seokmin immediately picked up Jisoo; making him dangle from his shoulder.

My boyfriend is a little// Seoksoo AuWhere stories live. Discover now