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(Ha Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul)

Jisoo looked at Jeonghan, and noticed something  "Hannie!" Jeonghan looked at him "Yes Jisoo?" Jeonghan asked, chuckling.

"Hannie you cut your hair!" Jeonghan chuckled "Yes I did." Jisoo smiled at him "Play?" Jeonghan nodded, and sat next to Jisoo.

Seokmin looked at Seungcheol "You okay?" Seokmin asked "I'm fine, just tired from uni." Seokmin nodded.

Seokmin smiled as he saw Jisoo play with Jeonghan with his toys "Shua baby." Jisoo looked at him "Hannie and Cheollie, are going to take care of you, while I'm at work okay?" Jisoo pouted, but nodded.

"Otay daddy." Seokmin kissed his head, and got up "Go say bye." Jeonghan told him.

Jisoo got up, and hugged Seokmin "Wuv you." Seokmin smiled "Love you too." Seokmin pecked his lips, and then left the couples house.

Jisoo looked at the couple "Shushu, hungwy." Jeonghan chuckled "Babe?" Seungcheol nodded "And what does Shushu want?" Seungcheol asked, smiling at him.

"Shushu wan' to eat nuggets!" Jeonghan shook his head "I'll be back then okay." Seungcheol told them.

Jeonghan nodded, and Seungcheol grabbed his keys, before leaving the house "Okay Shua, do you want to paint?" Jisoo nodded giggling.

After painting for a little bit, Seungcheol came back with chicken nuggets, and Jeonghan managed to get Jisoo to clean his hands.

When Jisoo finished with his nuggets, he giggled as he saw Seungcheol asleep "Don't wake him up okay." Jisoo nodded, and played with his toys.

But then Jisoo whined when he couldn't find his plushie "Hannie!" Jeonghan looked at Jisoo "Shushu can't find bun bun." Jeonghan helped Jisoo find his plushie.

"Maybe daddy forgot to pack bun bun." Jisoo whined even more "Shushu how old are you?" Jisoo held up three fingers.

"You went deeper didn't you." Jisoo nodded.

Jisoo then hit his head on the table trying to lay to down "Owie!" Jeonghan rubbed his head "Hannie it huwts!" Jeonghan sighed, and threw a pillow at Seungcheol.

"Get an ice pack." Seungcheol nodded, and went to the kitchen "Shushu wan' dada!"

"He's working sweetie." Jisoo pouted, and threw a tantrum.

Seungcheol came back, with the ice pack "Shushu wan' dada!" Jeonghan sighed, and saw Seungcheol.

"Hong Jisoo." Jisoo looked at Seungcheol, and stopped "You're daddy is working, he'll be back soon."

Jisoo nodded, and hugged Jeonghan "Cheollie mean." Jeonghan laughed a little.

"Do you want your sippy cup, and want to watch cartoons?" Jisoo nodded, before climbing on top of Seungcheol's lap.

"Sowwy." Seungcheol chuckled, and hugged him a little "It's okay Shushu, you just can't throw a tantrum okay?" Jisoo nodded.

Jeonghan handed Jisoo his sippy cup, and started playing some cartoons for him.

A few minutes later Jisoo fell asleep on Seungcheol's shoulder "I'll put him in our room." Jeonghan nodded, and saw Seungcheol take him to their room.

Seungcheol came back, and pulled Jeonghan towards him "Love you." Jeonghan smiled and looked at Seungcheol "Love you too."

A few hours passed by, and Seokmin knocked on the door.

Jeonghan opened the door, and smiled "Jisoo is still sleeping, but he went deeper into little space earlier." Seokmin nodded.

Seokmin saw Jisoo's bag packed, and looked around "He's in our room." Seokmin went to the room, and saw Jisoo sleeping under the covers peacefully.

"Shua baby." Jisoo opened his eyes slowly "D-Dada?" Seokmin smiled, rubbing Jisoo's stomach a little "Hey baby did you sleep well?" Jisoo nodded.

Seokmin got Jisoo out of the covers, and picked him up "Ready to go home?" Jisoo nodded again.

Seokmin walked out the room, with Jisoo, and looked at the couple "Thanks again guys." They both nodded, and smiled "Baby what do you say?"

Jisoo smiled "Tank' chu." Jeonghan smiled "No problem Shua."

Seokmin grabbed Jisoo's bag, and walked out the house.

Seokmin put Jisoo in the car, and buckled him up "Dada." Seokmin looked at him "Yes baby?" Jisoo pouted "Dada no pack bun bun." Seokmin sighed as he remembered.

"Oh baby, bun bun fell from your backpack." Seokmin grabbed the bunny plushie, and handed him to Jisoo "Bun bun!" Jisoo giggled grabbing the bunny.

Seokmin went to the driver's side, and started driving to the house.

"Dada." Seokmin hummed "Shushu no wike shiwt." Seokmin chuckled "Wait for a bit baby, when we get home you can wear a onesie." Jisoo cheered.

Soon they arrived home, and Jisoo ran upstairs "Don't run baby." Seokmin called "Otay!" Seokmin smiled, before going upstairs, and going to help him.

Seokmin entered their room, and saw Jisoo patiently waiting "Did you find your onesie?" Jisoo nodded, and Seokmin helped Jisoo change.

"Tank' chu dada." Jisoo smiled, and Seokmin smiled back giving him a peck on the lips.

Jisoo giggled, and hugged Seokmin "Dada cawwy Shushu." Seokmin picked up Jisoo, and carried him back downstairs.

"Sippy cup?" Seokmin asked making Jisoo nod excitedly.

Seokmin fixed Jisoo's cup, and gave it to him "Dada!" Seokmin looked Jisoo "Yes baby?" Jisoo climbed on his lap.

"Shushu wuv Dada, an' Dada only." Seokmin chuckled, pulling him closer than ever "And Dada loves Shushu, and Shushu only." Jisoo giggled before accidentally dropping his cup.

"No!" Jisoo whined, and Seokmin rubbed his back "It's okay baby, it was only an accident." Jisoo pouted.

Seokmin then moved Jisoo, and picked up the cup "Let me wash off the top, nothing spilled okay." Jisoo nodded.

Seokmin washed the lid, and came back.

Jisoo was watching cartoons, and giggled "Shua baby here's your cup." Jisoo took the cup, and continued watching cartoons.

Seokmin went to the kitchen, and jumped when he saw Jihoon there "Holy shit, when did you get there." Jihoon chuckled.

"A minute ago." Jihoon told him.

Seokmin grabbed some snacks, and looked at Jihoon "So what have you been doing?" Seokmin asked his brother "Bored, Soonyoung is out of town, and Chan is being an ass." Seokmin chuckled.

"Jia, well I don't know she's just being difficult right now." Seokmin looked at him "How difficult?" Seokmin asked.

"I asked her to hangout today, and she gave me attitude, so I gave up." Seokmin rolled his eyes.

Jisoo came into the room, and looked at Seokmin "What's wrong baby?" Jisoo pointed at the stairs "Jia being scawy." Seokmin and Jihoon looked.

"Holy shit." Jihoon said out loud.

"Jia?" Seokmin asked, Jia looked at Seokmin "Huh?" Jia asked "What are you doing?" Seokmin asked again.

Jia looked at Jisoo "I can't keep my promise." Seokmin put Jisoo behind him "Why do you do this?" Seokmin asked getting angry.

"I thought you changed, and yet here you are hating on Jisoo who did nothing wrong."

Jia took a deep breath "He took you from us!" Jihoon looked at her.

"He didn't take Seokmin from us! Jisoo didn't do anything wrong." Jihoon stepped up "You don't know how Jisoo lived, Jisoo didn't live a good life like us."

Jia looked at Jihoon, and slapped him.


A/N: Late again with another chapter, but thanks for 2k reads lol.

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